The new guy, Jack, has a sample database ready to go. All he needed was, as I said years ago, the general outline without the need to pry into what the database was for. Contrast this to Art, who said he needed to know everything before even starting. Today we import 289 biz cards and 15 sample customers, a proof of concept. The odds for failure are 9,999/10,000 but you don’t see me running for cover.
I’ve worked a deal whereby Jack uses Computer A for free and half the profits, should there be any. Remember, the idea here is not to run the business, it is to sell it. Now at least I’ve got a working prototype. Jack uses FilemakerPro, and knows the screen modules (where I am only familiar with the tables). We are both no-nonsense people, we could only work together with each guy doing his part and no overlap. But as long as we continue to get things done twenty times faster than others, that will be fine.
FireHow, and the writing of how-to’s. I’ve published 25 articles and made 70 cents so far. Despite deep concentration, I still have not hit upon my topic, the single topic I can churn for hundreds of postings. No doubt, it will have a recipe-like format. It has to be some popular topic that has not already been taken. Help me out here, I’ve exhausted all the easy stuff. I even published an article on how to test if your wife is cheating on you. It’s easy, she is. Seriously, go read the article, I need the clicks. Google veryatlantic™.
At first glance, there are a core group of writers posting most of the articles. I didn’t say writing, only posting. I had planned to study how they got there, but that plan won’t work. It seems the top writers publish either said recipes or sales pitches, both of which have a fixed format. This makes it impossible to tell if they are talented at anything except working the concept. My style trounces most of the others, although the idiotic design of HTML tags does not help. It does not seem to have made much difference in my income.
When I say bad tag design, you know what I mean. Ever tried to get on-line documents to indent the first line of each paragraph (this is the only known blog that has always had indents)? Or have you tried to put several spaces in a row, or get rid of the white space after any bold title? I’m not going anywhere near particle labs in Switzerland when they’ll hire chumps who can’t even type a letter. Berners-Lee is the Homer Simpson of the Internet industry, “Duh, lemmee put dat squiggly thing above da two right . . . um . . . there! See tol’ you, mom, one day I’s gonna use that fer somethin’.”
In music news, there isn’t any. Big Jim calls sporadically about a project, but I’m certain he’ll do a lot of obscure Nirvanna and Stone Temple. Which means lots of untransferable extra work for me. Obscure music also tends to be dreadfully slow. No contact with Hi, which at best will reinforce the message that local music is not a get-rich proposition.
Difficult as it was, and without being paid for the extra effort, I’ve managed to put together a financing package to keep this place operating. By June, I will have paid half as much to operate this place as Wallace paid to own it.
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