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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13, 2010

           Most of us don’t mind a quiet day at work, but not over at my shop. Not one customer in all day. Mine or anybody else’s, remember there are three shops sharing the premises. I took a close look at my monetized publications (ePinion and FireHow), uploading one article each. I’ve broken the $2.00 barrier at FireHow and am totally out of material. Today’s jpeg is the ePinion input screen.
           What does one do when out of ideas? Plagiarize! Actually, it is research as in I only get the idea from elsewhere. Then I check if it has been covered in FireHow, if not I write a new article based on the topic. My style is now distinct, plus I’ve discovered how to link the articles to this blog and ePinion, hoping to pick up some extra clicks that way.
           Just maybe I’m somewhat too distinct. I began the first day by slightly altering the FireHow rule that all posts must begin with “How to . . .”. Mine do, but the words have been changed to a more stylized “How To:”. (How followed by a capitalized To and then a colon.) Today I noticed around eight of my posts had been changed back to the other form. That means somebody with edit capabilities has been tinkering with my account.
           Why is this world so full of peckerheads? I repeat my old saying, “Almost one hundred percent of my problems are caused by other people who want me to do things their way without paying me.” I went back in and changed things back to my format, after all, I am the author. I’ll be watching very closely for a while. Yes, my presentation bends the rules, but it does not break them. My titles stand out from all the rest, but hey, I didn’t sign up to be on a team. The writing world is dog eat dog, and music is the exact opposite.
           Nonetheless, by 30-some articles have produced 597 hits and it will be just two weeks tomorrow. The other posts getting hits showed me I was casting pearls before swine. I’ve given up on quality, and now go for quantity. Honestly, you should read some of the other crap. I still insist on very well-written posts regardless of the topic. I’ve also done some creative categorization all aimed at getting those clicks. For example, today’s post on how to calculate bra sizes was posted under “Sports”. We all know the types who like blubber also consider themselves sportsmen.
           The whole shebang is a free-for-all anyway. There are posts like “How to learn to type”, with two paragraphs of directions that basically says practice a lot. Thus, I am learning the value of a catchy title, but find it a pity the most advanced information system known to mankind actually encourages such behavior. I’ve also noticed only the authors who have been members for over a year seem to have all of their articles rated. That, I cannot explain.
           On ePinion, I rated my Jazz DV 152 camera. The one you’ve been getting most of your pictures here in the past six months. The thing has a fold out screen. It was not shown in the manual and thus I didn’t not find it until today, when I read the advertisements. I bought the camera at Big Lots, not from a camera store. My review was one of four; the other three reviewers reported having extreme difficulties using the device. Odd, since you turn it on, you point it, and begin taking pictures. How did they figure out it was a camera?
           Either way, I was instantly reviewed by seven of the top people at ePinion, all rating my post as “very helpful”. Good, because I have not yet entirely forgiven them for calling down my previous post. That was last September and they are lucky I even came back (to check my earnings, actually). I had lambasted the notebook in that post. Some people are dumb enough to not know you cannot review a computer without also reviewing the chip. It has taken a year and a half to make $72.20 on that site.
           Since nothing else will happen around here unless business picks up, I’ve got myself a pile of Arduino material and a good comfy chair. Pudding-Tat has been fed by the neighbors for over a week and never comes around much any more. The cats don’t get along, but are generally confined to their own areas. Pudding can’t complain because she is allowed outdoors.
           And that, folks, was my big Tuesday. How about you? Oh yeah, before I forget. The magazine people said they liked my work and will be sending me more work tomorrow.
           veryatlantic veryatlantic this is a test of the google search mechanism