I used the time to put together a video for Big Jim up at Johnny’s last Friday. I still have never found a textbook with an explanation of how all the different video formats work. My videos are still produced with a large element of trial and error at the burning phase. Today it was just me and a big bowl of soup, and the rain.
By late afternoon it was sunny, I biked to the office. Mainly, I like to check on my earnings and confirm that I’m getting plenty of legitimate hits. I differentiate between SEO hits and real hits. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) schemes are what cause all that crap to float to the top whenever you’re trying to find something. My hits seem to be from a steadily expanding fan club. I can’t be certain of that, but there is not much else to explain why I’m getting 19 or 20 times as many hits as before.
FireHow itself is growing exponentially. This could be more a property of small numbers. Their web page still stinks, you have to scroll down to see the lists. The articles are squeezed between advertisements, which also limits the size of the pictures I can include as diagrams. They’ll work it out, I’m sure, and meanwhile, my slow accumulation of articles continues.
Another strategy I may try is to post my articles a second time at another site. That is another idea where I cannot seem to get a straight answer out of anyone. The articles belong to me and they are written for money so what’s wrong with a little shameless self-promotion? What’s stopping me at the moment is I do not know the implications of doing such a thing. Would I simply be diluting my own market mix or doubling my income? No straight answers available, but for now, stick with the plan.
I got a call from the marketing agency (CFS) that paid me to try on t-shirts and sip beer. They are in Virginia and were surprised I could talk to them about statistics and demographics. Ah, the benefits of a classical education. They seem legitimate, and as I pointed out, their checks all cleared. Is there a career for me as a professional tester in the stars? I gave them the directions to this blog.
By late evening, I have a custom bass line written to “King of the Road”. It is quite another thing to sing it while playing that bass line. Fred is right on track with his guitar practice. When he points out the sore fingertips and aches and pains, I can assure him he is exactly right on schedule. He grasps the huge difference between what he is learning, and ordinary music lessons. I know the first week we make more as a band than at the computer shop will Fred crossing the Rubicon.
I’ve finished Ehrenreich’s “Bait and Switch”, a title designed to sell rather than reflect the contents. The book is depressing, although she is describing events that I had warned people about some twenty years earlier. She complains about predatory employment help-groups, where as I view such outfits as confirmation of how useless and weak-minded the entire American “middle-management” had become. I cautioned people about placing hope in Monster.com the day after it appeared. Now all their personal information is in the hands of the enemy.
When you lose your job and start spending money on webinars, social networking and personality tests, you are a loser idiot with no marketable skills. Why is everyone afraid to tell you that directly? Might hurt your feelings? Gee, go get counseling or go to church. Remember, I’m the guy who was “managed” by your type. I know exactly where you stand when it comes to intelligence. They let personality become more important than education and experience. Now they want what?
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