I’ve now completed ten bass tabs for FireHow. There is no agreement [with that party] not to market my wares via other media. To kill two birds, I’ll keep pushing the bass tabs until I have 40, at which time I am ready to create a book. As usual, with Amazon, they don’t have any straight answers that educated people need to know. Why are there no other similar books to what I’m planning? During this hunt, I again noticed that never once does Amazon say what they mean about the money part.
I’ve noticed another change. In the good old days, you were merely asked if you had a social security number, warning it was an offence to lie. Now, like in Canada, they want the number. Of course, I have one, but do want to give it to people like Amazon? I doubt the underlying law has changed so I suspect it is ordinary snooping on their part. Hey, it works for Google.
My FireHow tactics, after five weeks, have become sophisticated enough to draw imitators. I’m embedding links on every article, stating the date written where it can actually be seen, plugging my other works, and drawing new readership at close to fifty per day. I’m getting ahead of the web site, for example, the single jpeg binder they supply is already confusingly full and I cannot delete any unused files.
Steaming ahead, I have a standardized format that addresses the cause or symptoms of the problem (nobody else seems to have thought of this), I’ve learned to re-title slow moving articles, and thanks to Craigslist, I am past-master at getting my posts to the top of the screen. Don’t overlook that standard format, it means my viewers are welcomed by a familiar screen that shouts “veryatlantic” and contains a predictably good set of balanced instructions.
Equally popular is my “Other Information” section which rewards the reader for sticking around. It contains wry humor, such as my comment y’day that one of the few things I recall about Rodney Crowell is he “once married Johnny Cash’s daughter for a while.” Or, that while Clapton did not invent the I-II blues, he “certainly employed it an awful lot year after year”. After year, after year.
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