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Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

           Here is an oft misinterpreted sign. It is meant you don’t leave your kids in the parking lot while shopping. But most people take it to mean the kids left in shopping carts while the mother wanders to the other end of the store. I agree they should not leave the kids anywhere. They are hard to clean and get expensive, especially near college age.
           “I’d do it if it paid $1,000 a week.” That was Bryne’s remark on painting. I would too, despite the sore muscles today. Except for the odd complaining shoulder, I was fine, likely thanks to my bicycle. However, I doubt a real painter would allow me to progress at my own pace, nor would contracting pay at the top speed I can still work. It brought back memories of my college days, painting rich folk’s chalets in the mountains.
           Painting is fun after, too, for I got to predicate many sentences with “We construction workers, the backbone of America . . . .” A word to the wise, do no ever consider doing any type of outside work in Florida during the summer. We were safely indoors and had the A/C cranked to the hilt. I specifically went into the shop this afternoon to download the Zoom MTB manual, for the drum box. It was foolish not to buy that the first chance I could, now I’ll have to work like blazes to make any money with it before September.

           Don’t pity me, wait until you hear this saga of bad luck. You don’t know Eddie, but he was the laptop technician slated to take over from Mike. He got a lifetime of hard misfortune in a month. First, his wife’s mother died and they spent their last dollar to attend the funeral up north. But, they stand to inherit their half of two houses and a pile of bonds; he said they would finally have a few things in life.
           Then, he flies back, leaving his wife to console her sister. He lands at Ft. Lauderdale, has a heart attack and also lands in the hospital. For two weeks. We don’t know what is going on, because nobody answers his phone. Fred drove over there last Tuesday. Six days ago, his wife died. They weren’t really married. She had no will.
           While I don’t have much left at the shop, what’s there is going to require a vehicle to move it. Nothing is big and bulky except the toothpicks, most everything else amounts to a few bicycle trips between now and month’s end. It’s like a pity to finally leave as that business, if it was a job, would have been the second longest tenure of my life. A quick check of the neighborhood shows it will be one of 16 vacancies on the block. With nothing special about it locationwise, it will also be the most expensive.

           FireHow is dying on the vine. It is now a week from my deadline, and I’ve made $7.41. Unless they establish a special rate of pay for better quality articles, it is a waste of time. Their algorithms are off kilter as well, the two graphs don’t match, but I won’t explain what you can discover yourself. Unless you publish hundreds of useless quips, it is dead end. Suggested new title, “Quips for Twits”.
           At the same time, I’ve had an unexplained upsurge in hits on my related postings, such as this one. My daily increase is very difficult to measure, another item I won’t explain, but it averages between 17 and 34 new people. Today it was 222. That, my friends, is a mystery. Such postings still require 10,000 hits to earn $30, the significance of 10,000 is that is the sales an author needs to get on the best-seller list. Most people’s chances are better at writing the book.
           Before I forget, I took a quick glance at the web site “Space Hippie World Wide Ministries”. I said glance, not read. But a split second was needed to verify it was the Hippie. If I ever can convince myself I have not already heard everything he has to say, maybe I’ll actually go back and look at it. Meanwhile, he is supposed to call and hire me to play electric bass.
           Here’s another item. Since there is confusion between what is a bass guitar and what is an electric bass, I am proposing the new term “e-bass”. A bass guitar is a massive hollow body Mexican instrument that is held like a beer keg. I play e-bass, not bass guitar.
           Last, I was asked today if I took the drugs Valium and Xantec (pardon my spelling), and the answer is no. My blood pressure is due to stress, but it is wiser to avoid the stress than to take what are potentially addictive and mood altering chemicals. I understand some people swear by these prescriptions, but I point out that from all the mechanical tests my doctors have done since 2003, not one has suggested my problem with stress is internalized in any way. Nope, all stress for me is external, indicating I am not the one who needs any brain medicine.
           Notice how gracefully I slipped that one in there? Classic!
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