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Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28, 2010

           It was a good day. The picture is lousy, but this blog has rules. They are a little esoteric for public consumption so I regret the stupid woman shown won out over more intellectual topics. She won by standing in front of this ATM, not using it, not talking on a cell phone, just standing. And watching me ride my bike toward the ATM from nearly a half-mile down the road. That means she watched me for the better part of seven minutes
           Then just as I parked my bicycle and it was evident I wanted to use the machine, she stepped in front and started fiddling with it. Just over fifteen minutes later, I gave up and went to the next machine up the road. Of course, you can’t tell a woman who thinks she’s pretty how trashy and inconsiderate she is. But that also explains why I don’t much help the older ones for free. Hey lady, déjà vu and up yours, too.

           The good news is I got a call from the Sam Ash manager and they are going to completely replace the Zoom drum box with a new model from their store in Orlando. That is unexpected and unaccustomed primo customer service and I will shop there again. I cannot unsay my earlier snap (another blog rule) but the response was so positive that they are back on my Xmas list.
           Earlier, during the blast furnace part of the day, I watched a political debate on television. Normally, I skip nonsense, but this time an independent was taking on a career politician and the shady, slimy side of the latter was so evident I was amazed. Amazed they allowed it to be broadcast. The guy was claiming he didn’t know that British Petroleum had given his mother $90,000 and a Cadillac Escalade. He avoided answering direct questions in an appalling show of indecency. Yet, there were people in the audience supporting him. Incredible. Might have been his wife at the ATM.
           I was at the bookstore, this time the coffee was great and they had the A/C in the comfort range. I must look honest, as an unusual number of women will ask me to watch their laptops and things. Sure. I was browsing a variety of books and magazines, meaning it is trivia time. An analysis of on-line product rating services has revealed there is no bell curve, meaning the reviews are bogus or suspect. Egad, does that mean my ePinion reviews are false?
           In reality, I had noticed the problem long ago. It is mainly people who had strong feelings about a product are the ones most likely to post reviews. That means the majority who are merely satisfied aren’t represented. No Gaussian distribution. So, there you go, laptop ladies, I am honest, for 62% of my ePinion product reviews are near the 50/50 mark.

           Yet another “Top 500” songs of all time article was on the stands. The selection committee is pretty illustrious, but I still cannot agree that the top tune is Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone”. In fact, I’d place him on the fringes of cult music. Possibly committees who study music instead of playing it have altogether different standards. The next spots were, respectively, “Satisfaction” (Stones), “Imagine” (Lennon), and “Stand By Me” (King). Those are immortal, and unlike Dylan, may actually get played this year.
           I stopped reading [the list] past 300, since it was getting into groups and tunes I have never heard of even second hand, including a lot of one-hit wonders. I did notice that Johnny Cash had three mentions to Eric Clapton’s one. And I’d never heard of that [particular] one.
           Other trivia, in any order, it still takes 40 months to have a patent application reviewed. Somebody should tell that department about computers. Toshiba’s study on laptops shows that 1/3 of them fail within three years. Women who own homes are 12 pounds heavier than women who rent. And if illegal farm workers are expelled from the country, the average household’s grocery budget would only increase by $8 per year.
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