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Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3, 2010

           Not off to a good start. Although Dave showed up, he was not ready to rehearse. We talked in his truck for a half hour but he was unable to stay like he promised y’day evening. I understand conflicting priorities, but it is my Saturday too and I would normally have made other plans to get something constructive done. Even though he is not here, I’m stuck waiting in case he shows up later. I cannot leave with the living room full of amplifiers and instruments.
           This is an out-of sequence photo from 2015 that shows JZ driving over the Canal Point bridge, with Lake Okeechobee in the badground. It's here to give the post a little color.
           You know what gets my goat? People who refuse to put anything in writing and later think they don’t have to meet their commitments because of it. They consider themselves sly bastards. “Take me to court.” Or, “Show me the contract.” They represent that typical pack of nobodies who’ve never taken Business Law 101. Very few contracts are in writing or need to be. Again, a contract is a business deal constituted by an offer and an acceptance. Neither component has to be in writing.
           The peasant class thinks a contract has to be in writing. Yet, they have agreed to an unwritten contract every time you place groceries on the checkout counter or by raising your hand at an auction sale. It is incredible how ignorant some folks are of this contractual process. In fact, most contracts are accepting by default behavior. If you order a beer and the barkeep accepts your offer without saying a word, that is a contract.
           The fact is, usually a contract is needed to get out of an obligation, not to get into one. If you live somewhere without a contract saying to you don’t have to pay rent, you legally have to pay by default—the exact opposite of what stupid people believe. The law courts will never pre-suppose anything except ordinary, unguided behavior.
           Theresa again brought up the nonsense that I “stole” my university degree. Bear in mind Theresa has no use for facts and thrives on making wild, senseless accusations, a life-wasting process she calls “pushing buttons”. For a start, I have several degrees besides the minor trade school certificate she is referring to. She does not appear to understand the difference between college diplomas and university degrees. Of course, after she maliciously attacked one, I don’t discuss any others, which only seems to confirm her whacked out presumptions.

           That trade school wanted more money from me 15 years after I graduated because their new rules made me a “foreign student”, an ex post facto scam. I have the parchment on my wall; they can go money-grubbing elsewhere. But Theresa actually thinks she is insulting me by saying I stole the degree. Hell, if I had stolen it, I’d be bragging about it! But according to her preposterous theory, I’m guilty and hiding out in Florida. Despite the fact I’ve explained these details to her on probably five occassions, she regularly reverts to the same accusation. What does that tell you?

           [ Author's note 2015-07-03: I don't owe her and explanation of anything, but she was aware of the situation and was spreading malicious gossip. When the school I attended found out I was not a resident of that state, they wanted me to retro-pay the difference in what they charged foreign students. Or, they threatened to revoke my degree. I never denied not being a local, they just assumed because I looked local, I was. I, having completed a successful lifetime of work and no longer needing the degree, told them to shove it.]

           Bingo is more exciting. Following what is becoming a pattern, the show is getting better but the money is tapering off. Since the anniversary isn’t until next month, there is no easy way of telling whether the causes are seasonal. Maybe tomorrow being a holiday is a factor. The show is refined and all the major innovations are done. Each change becomes harder work but believe it or not, I have my bingo groupies. Not much like rock and roll groupies, but still.
           Later. Dave was a no-show. That makes 16 guitarists in a row that have not worked out. This portrays the similarity later in life between forming bands and getting married. Most people who have what it takes are already spoken for and the leftovers are a damn grim lot. My suspicion is that Dave took painkillers which rendered him unable to play music today. I don’t know his situation in that regard, but I do see yet another local doctor has been arrested for running a pill mill. Back to the drawing board?

           Don’t underthink these situations where people stand me up. I am the one who takes the hit. Besides a wasted day, there are also such costs as running the A/C an hour in advance and during the wait. Guitarists are the worst for being unclear on this concept. The only parallel I can think of is movie theaters who must keep the place cool even if nobody shows. Factoid: the first air conditioned movie theater opened in 1919.
           In recent news, a new iPhone attachment gives you an eye test. Somehow, by measuring how you focus the screen, it can calculate your diopter. Plus, it now has two cameras, one facing each direction so the x generation does not have to turn the camera around to take group photos. You know, during all their “bring our tax dollars home” protests. The “uselexx generation” if you ask me, not my people. What’s the difference? Well, in 1988, nine of my people were jailed in California for distributing free food to anyone who was hungry. Seems they weren’t asking for ID. In California, it is against the law to give hungry people food without recording their ID.

           [Author's note 2015-07-03: the connection here is the recent news reports covering the new Fort Lauderdale law against an old priest feeding the homeless. The papers took up the story as a ban on charity but in reality, the ban was on feeding them down on the public beaches. It attracted the homeless into the tourist areas, and there were problems with panhandling, drunkeness, and public urination. I have forgotten if I meant "useless" or really meant "uselexx", and what I mean by "my people" means real hippies, not the Hipsters, who have accomplished nothing.]

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