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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3, 2010

           Blame the weather, but I’m reading yet another novel and this one is a total winner. “The Codex” is original and almost a documentary of how people create difficulties for themselves. Like Michener, the plot is based on complete sensical fact and I’m impressed with the depth of research. I mean, how many people know that writing was independently invented in only three locations in the world? Assyria, China, and I’ll let you read the book.
           The story takes digs at cultural differences, such as the feminist who hates the one-hundred-twenty year old jungle chief because he wants to marry a sixteen-year-old. She says Americans girls must be at least eighteen, but the chief says by then you can’t be sure the girl is a virgin. The feminist tells him he is too old to talk about sex all the time and now he thinks growing old in America must be very boring. You decide.
           I was over to visit Fred, who has his shop completely set up in his spare room at home and is happily making money again. Our former landlady was a fool. The fact is both Fred and I were in business so long that we took our customers with us and the old shop is vacant in a whole block of vacancies. Nobody is doing well in the area but since I don’t pay rent downtown, I only need two callouts a month instead of two a week, which is pretty much all I can handle anyway. And the happy season will soon be upon us.
           Fred also reports that the Dnepr, the Russian sidecar motorcycle is still for sale in this country. These are a WWII design copy of a BMW and I’ve heard they are difficult to keep, demanding constant maintenance. Fred says no, they are totally rugged. I’ll be looking into that. I first read up on them twenty years ago, so there have to be used ones on the market. Back then, the word was pronounced “duh-nerp”. It’s the name of a river in, I think, the Ukraine.

           Woe is me, I am behind schedule with my guitarist. He is worse than a beginner, although the improvement is inching along. He’s at the stage of trying all the shortcuts despite my cautioning him there aren’t any. It is like teaching a complete novice from scratch. Yet, nothing else is happening and the time will pass anyway. I’m making absolutely certain to teach nothing that is exportable or transferable. In a way this could be an opportunity.
           I rode to the library and back, arriving here drenched in perspiration. The outdoor thermometer in the shade read 104 degrees. Indoors with the A/C on full, the coolest it gets in the big room is 94 degrees. I’m intaking just under two full gallons of liquid per day, all of which must be first refrigerated as the even the groundwater never gets cold by running the tap. It is that hot. Something else to watch for is the heat puts extra strain on the heart. It is easy to tell.
           By working before and after sunset, I’ve been able to build a super computer out of the parts from the Internet units, only to discover it is my old VHS tape decks that are giving out. I’m doing the next batch of VHS to DVD conversions and needed a dedicated system. Thus I spent two days building one since the process ties up a computer by itself. I went through seven hard drives to find one that kept the buffers full, only to find out something I never suspected about video tape players.
           You might find this interesting. I supposed most tape decks would just wear out, so I kept mine in pristine mechanical condition for years. I do all the internal maintenance myself. So, here is a situation where these tape decks should theoretically last forever unless something else gives out. I’ve found that something else. Eventually, the electronics give shorter and shorter play times until they no longer play a full two hour tape without shutting down. Only I could hold on to three tape decks long enough to find that out.

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