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Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010

           Tropical storm Bonnie kept me indoors all day, a great chance to review the real estate market. The mortgage types who laughed when I said I’ll be buying a three bedroom waterfront house for $5,000 are laughing a little quieter each passing week. Foreclosures are reaching 12,000 per month just in Broward County alone, with 1,546 in this zip code last month. The impact of these properties has not yet begun to send shock waves through the market. As far as mercy, these losers are those who thought to borrow their way to wealth, and it is payback time.
           Florida will likely see a half million houses on the block by this December. Let’s see what that does to the formerly arrogant middle class. The only reason prices aren’t plummeting now is because the banks don’t have enough money in the world to hire all the lawyers needed to process the foreclosures. That is a logjam waiting to burst—what if the banks themselves find it more economical to walk away? As for rent, you can’t get a firetrap on the bad side of Dixie for $5,000 per year.
           If one buys the place cheaply enough, that raises the specter of opting out of the system. Follow this logic. You won’t need insurance or upkeep because the place isn’t worth it, so why bother? If you qualify under the Florida homestead law, you cannot be evicted, so you are dead long before the city gets the property.
           Thus, one could connive to buy a house and just live out the value. Put another way, in the end you accomplish in a moment what the credit gang braggarts slaved their whole lives for: a luxury and worry-free retirement. Actually, you’d be far better off than those who’ve lived their lives playing big shot because they’d indirectly be picking up the tab. Which side am I on? Neither. But I know who picked the fight. I know who has it comin’.

           Trivia. The world has the same number of major gold mines today as in 2,500 BC when the Egyptians operated 100. The navy is working on a laser speaker system to communicate with submarines. Since laser is line-of-sight, my guess is they will fly an airplane over the sub, which raises the question of how they and not the bad guys know where the sub will be.
           I read the medical associations latest recommendations for stress-related angina, or irregular heartbeat. No caffeine, no sugar, no salt, no saturated fats, no fried food. That regimen hasn’t changed in twenty years. Dang, and just when I was going to start my new career at MacDonald’s. Incidentally, that outfit is making millions on their new coffee drinks. My hope is they bankrupt half the Starbucks. What have I against Starbucks? They made it impossible to get a good cup of decent-priced coffee in this country. And their coffee tastes like flavored robusta.
           What? You want to know about robusta? It is the cheapest grade of bean normally used to make instant coffee and diner swill. Few people drank it before the government issued it in powder form to GIs during the Big One. Best described as a light roast, it is very often flavored. Having tasted the expensive Starbucks goop, I suspect it is the same product. Also, as you know, in addition to driving out the decent-priced coffee shops, Starbucks has legendary slow service (“and would you like chocolate sprinkles on your latte, ma’am?). You spend half your coffee break waiting in line.
           Last for today, another bit of trivia. Recite that old saying, “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight”. It applies to the sky directly overhead, not near the horizon, and is only true in the hemispheres where the weather generally blows from west to east. You learn this kind of thing while investigating Doppler radar. So there. “Red bogie at morning . . .”

           [Author's note 2015-07-23: I was, like most, unaware of the power of the banking system. Around the time that this article was written, the laws were manipulated in the bank's favor. Now don't go saying that was predictable--it surprised almost everybody.
           First, a new category of repossession was invented, called "pre-forclosure". This effectively kept millions of homes off the market. Basically, it let people who were making marginal payments keep and occupy their houses. So the whole system suffers, not just the assholes who over-borrowed money.
           Next, the homestead law was changed (I do no know when this happened, since it was years ago my opinion on it was formed. Now you lose the house after three years--but I still don't know if you can be evicted over it. The effect is the same, you live in the house for free, but you would not want to come back from holidays and find the sheriff putting a padlock on the door.
           It is also a good reason to do a Clint Eastwood. Always have some kind of secret passage so you can get in or out of your own house. This is, after all, America.]

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