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Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4, 2010

           I have no idea why this tent costs $5,000. I'd like to take a look inside. It weighs 51 pounds, sleeps eight, and is billed as the tent for long-term mountaineers.
           Top story again is the progress of the musical duo. Beats out the earthquake in New Zealand, complete with looters but no tsunami. Even if Jag does not find the correct chops for every tune, we are a go-ahead for September 17. We won’t be ready but the same could be said elsewhere and at least we may make the season this year. Turns out Jag is dabbling in two other bands, so it is in my interests to ensure he makes his first money with mine.
           Why is it so hard to put a band together in this town? I’ve been strumming along to the tunes as I memorize them and if this venture fails, I may pre-record my own rather excellent bass lines and create my own non-midi backing tracks. Either way, this is my last effort to form the duo, as beyond this the game is no longer worth the candle. Something tells me to practice this arrangement as a backup plan, but I surely do like the sound of a guitar and e-bass two-piece.
           I’m not sounding enthused. I assure you I am. My vocals are now edging toward confident [enough] and Jag proves I was right about the guitar parts. They can all be faked by someone who knows the "feel" of each song. This is superior to comping, which I do not like or allow. But I needed someone with a flair for guitar to put it to the test. Not so easy--most guitar players quickly develop an attitude that they would rather die.
           I was not good enough to experiment the rhythms myself and went through some 17 guitarists who pointedly would not even attempt to fit the elements together. T’was almost, I said almost, as if they were afraid my brainchild would work and instantly nullifying all their years of fancy lessons.
           Jag had no such built in resistance and if we hit the stage running after merely three weeks, this goes down in history. I know it’s been done. But not by the likes of anybody I’ve met in my 11 years in this town. Only Florida can make cooperation a one-way street.

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