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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6, 2010

           I saw a Honda 70 in good condition. It was just outside Publix on Young Circle and tied to the bike rack. Most of you won’t remember this timeless scooter-like motorcycle, but Honda churned out some 20 million of them and they are a staple in the Thailand and the Philippines. Many times I hitched a ride when there was nothing else available. In many rural areas the local economy is still based on the 70.
           In this case, the rider conveyed his older brother kept the cycle in storage for 23 years. Junior has no record of the gas mileage except putting in a dollar a week. He’s run dry a block from the gas station a few times. Hell, even Warren Buffet could push one that distance without bragging it to death, not that he would.
           Cowboy Mike was on the wire, he’s jamming out at the coffeehouse near Nova with Pat-B and the Hippie. Tentative plans are for all of us to meet up there on the 15th, I think it might be a good plan to have Jag along. He’ll benefit by seeing a whole group of people playing the same tunes as on our list. I kind of put him on notice that he has to do more practice on his own because he’s been following me on stage. With my style of bass playing, that is never a good idea. Also, he has not committed the circle of fifths to memory and it is late in the game.
           Yet the gig will be unusual for a single reason: Every tune likely to be played (recall my 22-song list analogy) can be performed (sung and played) by at least two other musicians. Therefore, this will be the first gathering of the old clan where nobody is dependent on anyone else to carry their act. The results could be amazing. And it is an open mic.

           The library air conditioning was on the fritz today. I seemed to be the only one who did not notice. In another lucky break, the guy who sold me my first mobile home over on 3rd Street has another for sale. A two bedroom, it is, and priced at but $2,000. Thus, I am covered no matter what treachery others are planning.
           My new bingo show has been published as “addicting”. This could be fantastic news, being that the VFW is right next door. No performance can promise success, at the same time, there has been zero negative feedback over my show. Not a single criticism. The trick remains to make money at it. My medical co-pay this morning was $26 bucks which broke me. Some people pick up their prescriptions in a tiny bag, mine require a small suitcase, along the lines of a handbag.

           Jackie and I went up to Johnny’s to say hello, which is mostly what we did. It took but an instant for the waitress to pick up that we were talking about single women. She spoke up that she saw nothing wrong with divorced women. It took but an instant for me to pick up on what she was talking about. I understand that most people consider something wrong only when other people do it.
           Don’t stand too close. I awoke at midnight with a terrible sore throat and upset tummy. That explains why everybody called in sick. Kat had to send her son to move my gear back to Jimbos, a good call as that really helped out. You know how long these hot weather colds can last. This is a bad one, causing headaches, sensitivity to light, and coughing spells. You can’t tell anyone because they’ll all say, “West Nile Fever!”
           That reminds me, there was a documentary last month of this guy who caught dengue fever. While this tropical disease does not exist in America, the victim had never left the country. He described his symptoms. That is one infection you do not want. Look that up on your own, for he twice stated he’d wished he was dead. Until I heard that, I always thought dengue was more like a condition than a painful, wracking disease.

           [Author's note: I stand corrected. Dengue fever is present on US soil. There was an outbreak in Key West in 2009 and recent occurences in Texas and Hawaii. There is no vaccination. It is spread by mosquitos and is very difficult to control by the method of releasing sterilized males. Apparently the males are so fragile they can't survive long enough to do much.]

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