At first I could not figure out what these boxes were. Inside, they were divided into triangular spaces. They were empty, but on my return trip, I see they are storage for bicycles. A lot of people commute by bike these days. These are outside a parking lot near the Tri-Rail station. In Miami, somebody would steal both the bicycles and the boxes. Somebody who looks like they were not born here, I mean.
He’s got an idea for a hurricane safe room. You know those container units they retire overseas as housing? Why not keep some here and frame around them when the house is built. It sounds practical but would anyone go for it? They would, I suppose, make an excellent blind for a grow operation now that marijuana possession and usage are [becoming] semi-legalized in half the country. Then again, have you seen the infra-red radar the cops are using? It even lights up the treadmarks on grass where a car has driven over it.
To defend against this radar, one would have to either blind it with a flare or have a pre-arranged huddle of buddies who split in all directions. Why would the innocent develop tactics against this device? In the lack of guarantees that the authorities would never use it for warrantless activities, and we know there are no such guarantees.
After a hectic hour, I got the PA system from Buddy’s to Jimbos in time for the famous Saturday bingo. Kat’s truck broke down in Ft. Lauderdale with no way to phone me. These things happen. Oh, and around twenty minutes after we called in quits last Monday, a dozen players walked in. That happens. News: the big crowd returned and was waiting for me at Jimbos, making for an excellent weekend already.
For the first time, I recorded bingo. I’ll have to do it better another day, as I used the Jazz camera which does not like low-lighting and produces only AVIs. The special effects computer got left behind and that is a large part of the show. I may haul out the old 8mm cameras. This one-of-a-kind bingo show, now a very mature and enduring act, should leave behind some sort of record.
I responded to an ad in Davie to start a country band. Again, I’ve given Jag a few weeks off and he understands the score, that I never rely too much on one guitarist. At least not in Florida, I don’t. Always one to ward off problems by being direct at first, I emailed the new contact a series of basic questions, such as will this be a duo, trio or what? While the music is what I already play, I got the impression of innate indecisiveness and that all too familiar “I haven’t thought about that part” behavior. I’ll bet you ten bucks it is a woman. Since I know the Hippie doesn’t live in Davie.
[Author's note 2015-11-20: compare this with the lady guitarist I finally met in 2015 who is starting a duo in Davie? Same person? Who knows?]
Bryne called again and the problem on his computer was Comcast. If you don’t guard against outfits like that (right AOL?) they install a browser geared to their home screen and it gradually takes over your system. Often, they have a limited anti-virus feature that is incompatible with commercial software. Dozens of scripts and apps start running automatically in the background when booted. And your system crawls along. But fixing this situation is well above of the experience level of most users.
Today is a turning point in some ways. Once again, long-term projects are creeping back into importance. Back on the farm I learned when one is around peasants it is futile to take on anything beyond the immediate present because they will screw you up. The only meaningful accomplishments is life are those which take time and if there is one thing a lowbrow won’t stand for it is somebody [whom] they know getting ahead. Peculiarly, it does not bother them when strangers do so, only when it is somebody they know.
Even this blog was showing signs of drudgery as I never knew one moment to the next what stunt somebody was going to pull. Now, they no longer matter. I was at the library today studying diatoms for two hours. This blog has always been written for the type of people who don’t have to ask what diatoms are or why anyone would study them. All I can say is the subject is a tad more intellectually challenging than watching over-30 dating shows on Cable Nine. Although I know at least one person who would disagree. She's a single mother, how'd you guess?
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