The only good news on Craigslist is I found myself (veryatlantic) quoted twice in the past 60 days, which is as far as I went back looking. I’ll explain shortly. A reminder to all that this blog is copyrighted and trademarked, so make sure to state where you got the material. Which reminds me I’ve been studying the patent process for the word puzzle, “Xoikers!”. The application procedure is too complicated but I’ve discovered that what is important is to be able to establish first ownership. Doing so is not as expensive as getting a design patent.

I used half of one of my precious hour sessions on the library computer to view Craigslist. Not in the normal sense, you understand, since I am the guy that originally cracked their flagging code for six years before they caught on. I like to go back to make sure I can still get in every once in a while.
Not this time, I could not even get past the source page. Craigslist is now using style sheets and javascript server links, all top-notch ironclad anti-hacking barricades. There are a few gaps I could exploit if I ever decide it is worth it. I’d noticed the changes being made earlier this year back and they have really tightened up.
Conspiracy Theory. I checked the postings for attacks on the Hippie. First, I looked at rants and raves, but the library has blocked the page since September, so that’s out. Next, I looked in musicians, and still nothing much. Then I searched the Broward tab only and it was child’s play to spot the Hippie’s posts by his sociopathic hatred of all controls or regimentation. His material is annoying as he assails people rather than ideas. Some Bachelor’s degree there, dude. He is universally ignored and I could not find any criticism and certainly nothing using his name. The guy is delusional.
Yet, apparently not bright enough to know that if you attack somebody knowing they have a heart condition, that’s attempted murder.
So as not to waste time, I spent the remaining minutes to hack past the library download block. Their technician has edited the sites allowed to comply with that CPI or whatever the Child Protection law is called. Hey, if your kid is a wimp, he should not be using the library computers unsupervised. I wanted to download a video about Death Valley but the computer wouldn’t permit the word “death”. Some library there, dudes.
It took less than ten minutes to do a workaround, however I had to modify the system registry which means I have to redo that every time for each different computer. There is a babe working there, my type, and she is ever so slowly beginning to suspect I may be capable of more than checking e-mail. I was able to download entire collections of Benny Hill, Johnny Cash and advanced soldering techniques. I filled 16 gigabytes in just under two hours by running 12 links in parallel. Some whiz kids there . . .
Reviewing the files later, I managed to get one of some Chinese guys making a working circuit board using nothing but plastic buckets and home made tools. Incredible. But they did have one piece of sophisticated gear, an ultraviolet developing tray. Dang, I gave one of those away just before I moved to Florida. I would not have done that had I known it could be used for circuits. I had only used it to make printing plates, not thinking “printed circuit” and now I know. Boy, was I dumb.
The long nights are ideal reading conditions and I’ve got another James Patterson novel, “Roses Are Red”. By half-way, the title has no relevance to the plot. The momentum is good but he again exasperates the reader by always making certain every other chapter mentions the people on the side of good are divorced, separated or widowed. I know misery loves customers but I wish just once he’d give that a rest.
As for the story, it is the old mad genius turned to crime and generally annoying the police by using the same tactics they do. They set up secret surveillance, he does the same. They use unmarked cars, he follows suite. They wear masks, threaten people and manipulate evidence, so does he. Patterson’s jealous police always display a real dislike for men who date younger women and manage to beat one up every paperback.
His hero, Alex Cross, is continually running across extremely beautiful and talented women in their late thirties. What’s more, they all have fancy jobs, youthful figures, and their own transportation. No less. If he puts out too many more books, they’ll have to evolve into blonde virgins with twin sisters and perfect teeth.
I think I underestimated the octane ratings of gas a few pages back. I ran out of 93 octane and put in the lowest grade from the old lawn mower tank which is around 87 (I think). The lamp doesn’t burn intense on that stuff. It never gets beyond a bright yellow or dull orange. I said it burned hotter instead of brighter, but I’d never used regular before.
I dumped the rest of the mower gas in the scooter. The difference in power was instant and the mileage dropped into the 56 mpg range. It is still far too soon to average out all the factors but it is back to premium gas a.s.a.p. The trivia for today is that newspapers and magazines have to be 60% advertising to survive. And Canada leads the world in donut shops per capita.
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