Only in America or other equally credit-based economies can you find boneyards with millions of dollars in repossessed luxury boats. Yes, this nation is built on credit, not on money or hard work. These boats are rusting away to nothing.
I have to withdraw my promise to publish this year. I’ve got two booklets written this year, but they will not go to press. It has proven quite tricky to find out how to publish an e-book, as a search brings up lame offers rather than instructions. Later today I will look again and not stop until I have some real information. I don’t get it why I should have to go through some other business to self-publish on-line.
My video downloads included several documentaries on Rommel in the desert. Some myths persist even to this late date. This 2005 production still showed Rommel with hundreds of brand new gleaming tanks and airplanes attacking the poor British with rifles from the last war. Everyone knows Rommel was starved for equipment and fuel and that the German economy never equipped more than a small fraction of divisions with the equipment as shown. Once the press gets something wrong, it stays wrong. Remember that.
As an example of the propaganda, this still from the video purportedly shows tanks being armed for battle. First of all, nobody parks dozens of valuable tanks so close together in a combat zone. Next, this is clearly an indoor photo while Rommel’s crews worked under tarps and tents in the blowing sand. This must be a shot of the tank factory.
I walked three miles in an hour, up to Jimbos. It was a nice day and I needed to test my ability. Nope, I was exhausted and had to stop for a rest six times. No handy bus shelters, either. I sweated out even the pauses. Of course, I stopped at the used book store for some National Geo’s a and at the BK for a seniors coffee so the stroll was enjoyable. Still, I’m disappointed at not being able to get around much better than some 65 year old man.
At the library, I found some e-book articles. I had correctly pegged the market at how-to articles and reference books. The classical market with expensive hardcover editions is strong and healthy. Don’t expect e-books to take over any time soon, although eventually they simply have to. The publishing and distribution of regular books is 60% to 70% of the cost.
But I still could not locate any directions on how to create the book. Every source available wanted money to do it for you, and Wiki talks about what it is rather than how to do it. Yet, all those yahoos must have learned it somewhere, so I’ll keep digging. Not much else to do when you’re broke again. My thinking is that it is just some piece of software that takes ordinary typing like this and converts it to a downloadable format. If this turns out so, I will ignore all the market studies and seminars and just put it on Amazon with a snappy title.
I was additionally able to put together a $20 plan to patent my word puzzle without the huge legal fees. Again, the literature is clear that the patent process is to establish first ownership or creation. Thus, I’ll apply for one of those holding numbers for $10, get a copy notarized for $8 and mail a certified copy to myself for $2. This puts my baby on hold for two years, plenty of time to see if it sells if I can convince the distributor it is at least registered. But even the $20 has to wait until next month. (In the end, it never happened. Other priorities ate up the money and the time.)
By 10:00 PM I’d reviewed most of the Arduino downloads and wound up deleting about a third of them. People, why post a video without an audio track? Are viewers supposed to guess what your blinking light is doing? Where is the code, where is the parts list? Mind you, there was one training episode of this guy hand-soldering computer chips. You know, the ones with sixty pins. And he was flying along like it was no big deal.
One other short research project was looking into what the majority of two-year colleges in America were teaching. This roundabout logic says that the two-year outfits are rarely government backed, so they cannot survive offering outdated courses. Thus, by scanning the categories of their offerings, you get an idea of what students are enrolling for, and these days they are all after the money. There are some degrees (Associates) there that I did not know were two-year programs, for instance, I thought a pharmacy tech needed a bachelors degree. I’m still looking, but I noticed none of the programs are for people who intend to become self-employed.
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