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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011

           Here’s another look at a microscope. What is different about this one? Two things: one easy to spot, the other impossible unless you know about it already. First, the eyepiece is a digital camera. Much as I like the models that have an LCD display right on the back, I may have to settle for something that attaches to a computer monitor instead. The second change is the light source.
           In place of the mirror and battery-hungry filament bulb, you can look close and see a tiny point of cold white light. It is an LED, and what’s more, the brightness can be carefully controlled. Why didn’t I think of that? Huh? It represents a considerable improvement. No explanation why every scope I found with this feature was limited to 1600x, not quite the 2000x I need.
           Has turnip become gourmet food? In university, my math professor, Adel Sami Habib, and I used to sneak food into the study hall. Often he’d bring a jar of fiery hot pickled vegetables. To this day, I’ll get some for a particularly difficult subject like robotics. They have removed the turnips, onions and beets. These days mostly you get cauliflower, carrots and green peppers. What’s a guy supposed to study on that? Finger-painting?

           I won’t be jamming with Pat-B tomorrow because I have a gig. It seems there is no Karaoke show for the second time in a month and I’ve been asked to cover. Good, since I’ve waited two years (one might say) to be invited. I’ve let a couple of guitarists know they are welcome to stand in. I like to give each a full hour instead of the usual three tunes. I see Capt. J’s is advertising a Tuesday jam. Maybe I’ll get my brass knuckles and check it out.
           The damage to the scooter is more than first appeared; there is a crimped fender bracket where it fell against the curb. Dang, as I was going to save up something for another ad to give this remarkable blog the attention it truly deserves: good light reading. That is the only time I have use for advertising, the industry corruption built. Watch me try an SEO trick here and now. I’ll list a group of famous names and see what search algorithms find me.

           Duke Ellington
           Marshall Georgii Konstantinovich Zhukov
           Charles Lindbergh
           Amy Vanderbilt
           Ed Sullivan
           General Carl Spaatz
           Samuel Goldwyn
           Jack Benny
           General Creighton Adams
           Agnes Moorehead

           If you got here and this is not what you wanted, complain to your search engine. They should make those things context-sensitive or not at all. In case you are wondering if these people have anything in common, yes they do. They all died 37 years ago.
           More scooter information. I knew there was something wrong, a feel to the ride that was already there but made worse by usage. Whenever I hit a pothole or curb, a daily affair on Florida roads, it was harder to turn right then left. I found it this morning, a bent “triple-tee”. I had to tear the entire front end off the scooter which it was not nearly as complicated as a computer. Nor as clean.
           You can see it is bent in this photo. The shop is sales only but by one chance in a zillion, they may have a spare in the back junk pile. It is a dumb, heavy chunk of steel. Meanwhile, the scooter remains gutted, looking a lot worse than it really is. I had the entire front forks dissembled by removing less than twenty bolts, all metric. I’m taking the bad tee in to show them tomorrow and get a decent deal on the replacement. That’s the plan; they say all the 150cc rigs use the identical part. And I’m Agnes Moorehead.
           While this was going on, I made a pot of chicken corn chowder, ideal for this less than warm winter day. This kept me encouraged to stay out in the chill doing mechanic work. I see the brake pads are worn worse than I thought. All in good time. Later, I’ll hit the library until closing just to relax. Still no word from California. And no afternoon nap either. The neighbor is paneling his living room.

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