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Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

           It’ a good thing I take one last look in every box before throwing things out. I found my old contact book from my days at the phone company. All the computer passwords and unlisted numbers for internal departments. And this photo, the last date. Yep, this is the last photograph ever taken of the Reb & I out on the town. This was somewhere in Hollywood, CA. Those were indeed happier times.
           One place I won’t be buying a solar panel is the FAFCO counter at Home Depot. When I asked for prices on items they had on display, I got nothing but double-talk and the old runaround. They kept saying, "It depends". They wanted my home address so they could come out and case the joint, er, I mean, evaluate my needs. I said my only need was the price but I couldn’t corner those rats.

           Seriously, two squirming hooligans who could not be cajoled into a straight answer thought I was [actually] going to tell them where I lived. All I wanted was the price of the solar panel I was pointing at. They claimed not to know. That folks, is how you pay for things with your personal information, and that folks, is what is wrong with American business today. Every last damn salesman is a con artist. How do I know they were shysters? "It depends".

           What the? I just finished reading the strange theory of the century. Imagine me in my ideal encounter. I meet a woman that is plainly above the ordinary, she is young, slim, precocious, talented and takes an instant liking to me. I chat her up a bit, but I’ve never had to ask women for sex. The right ones will suggest it on their own after a short acquaintance to determine I am for real. I never promise relationships or marriage, I don’t have to and never have. The sex is recreational and if we meet again it is only by mutual agreement. And that occurs 63% of the time.
           Yes, I do tend to see such an event as a classic “score”, although I do not brag about the numbers ever, much less in a locker room. For that matter, I am the only one who knows how many women I’ve been with. But I will point out I’ve never had to beg, seduce, pay or sweet-talk a woman, meaning I’ve never been with a prostitute either. I’ve done all the dating activities, such as movies, dinners, walks on the beach—but only after we had been having sex a while, never as an inducement.

           [Author's note 2021 - I'm surprised how candid I was about my modus operandi on-line. Some may recall that at that time I thought I was dying and had nothing to lose. Read below, I was partially writing in response to being called names because my approach to women is not the same as most men. By the time I was twelve I knew that the way most men went about getting women was not the correct nor the easiest method. I watched the entire male population of my classroom and both my brothers fall into that trap. I chose music and have no problems admitting that as my motive.
           And before anyone goes thinking that's all there is to it, look around. Tons of men to play music still wind up with no good women and have to pay for what little they get. You can't just grab a guitar and get the babes, ask every guitar player I ever met in Florida. But odds are you'll do better than by memorizing pick-up lines and lifting weights until you look like a gorilla.]

           Most of the women I date tend to be self-supporting or better, often operating at a surplus and I can state many times the woman has taken me out on the town. I am not threatened by high income or educated woman when they ask me out. But the best things in life are free when I meet the right woman, no doubt about it.
           Well, according to Alex Thio, a Malaysian sociologist, that makes me a “deviant”. He lumps my ordinary behavior together with drug addicts, murderers, prostitutes, self-pitiers and the mentally ill, making no distinction between the wise, the ill and the criminal. Anything not in the majority, he calls deviant. To me, Thio is denigrating a lifestyle he only wishes he could have. Alex, you are proof that one can be a sociologist and not know a thing about people. Imagine that, you calling me abnormal.
           Since the average person doesn’t tinker with electronics, it could be said I conducted some deviant experiments last night. I burned a little deviant midnight oil over a repeat failed experiment. I cannot get my Arduino to read the values of a variable analog resistor. No matter what I do, it reads zero. And I put it away after 27 unsuccessful revisions to the code. Do I have a whole box of faulty sensors? Is my Arduino a lemon? Or a deviant?