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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

           Here’s the only photo I could find of Charles Vernon Meyers (C.V. Meyers). He has been completely wiped off the face of the planet. This picture was taken in 1945 when he was editor of a Calgary oil newspaper. Unbelievably, there are no pictures of Meyers on the Internet, try it. He has been purged as thoroughly as any prisoner in Stalinist Russia. To the Canadian public, he never existed. His real crime was against the state: he embarrassed their tax department.
           I’ve pointed out before that income tax is a very inefficient tax, but Canada and the USA will never relinquish it because it gives them unlimited power to snoop into people’s private affairs. Although tax law has no popular support, its premise is supported by people's suspicions and fears. That is, anybody who doesn't like the tax law must be hiding something and anybody who dares to protest will bring an investigation upon themselves.

           And the government loves to snoop. Their best couldn’t even touch Al Capone until they got ahold of his accounting records and terrorized his bookkeeper into identifying the code names. The rich in such countries are those one step ahead of tax law, the Capones, one step behind.
           Later, I found mention about (not in) oilweek magazine stating that Vernon died in 1990. I have located a copy of his book "Fifty Years In The Furnace" from an American source and it is on order.
           I was in Miami today, and this is a photo of the sink area at Quizno’s. That wall is spotless. There are many walls like it, but this one is mine. This is the wall that will get 100 out of the maximum 97 next week with the headquarters Quizno’s inspection. Every last molecule has been scrubbed clean and disinfected twice, that is why they called me in. JZ was around, so we got into the required two hours of conversation. We were catching up on the last year, not yesterday.

           Circumstances are that JZ cannot get away even for a day. Dave-O was by, but he missed the feast. I’ve learned to bake chicken instead of deep frying. Easy for you, but I had to learn cooking the hard way – by dating only pretty women. Anyway, JZ says he’ll drop in some weekend soon and we’ll go chasing babes again. The happiness of pursuit.
           Like many others, I spent the hot afternoon in the library. Unlike many others, I would probably have been in there anyway. I read that the emperor of Japan is the 125th in “an unbroken line that stretches back 2,000 years”. He owns a bonsai tree that is 600 years old. Or that’s what they’ve been telling him. I wonder, wouldn’t that be 126th if you include MacArthur?
           While passing through downtown I saw a large dot matrix display by a company called Daktronics. The sign was large as well as the individual LEDs. The size limit is a matter of resolution and price. That price is what I’ll try to find out for sheer curiosity. The LEDs must have been around the size of an incandescent 25W bulb. That alone would be worth it to find out how such a thing could exist.
           Here’s a photo of the sign. Notice the lettering, despite the larger format, is still the familiar 5x7 pixels. Look how they rendered the “N” and the “W”. Clever. I wanted to see an “M” but for once the traffic on Flagler actually started to move when the light changed. America, where we have a “suply” of moving signs for people who can’t spell worth a “shat”. This sign did not scroll from right to left, it only changed words, left justified only.

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