Dang, I'll be heading into the hospital again for some checkups. Again, I say phooey to anyone who still thinks I'm where I am because I didn't have insurance. Such people are just being thick-headed. I personally must have bought a new Mercedez for every doctor in cardiology and they should name a wing of that new hospital after me. Here is a photo of my least favorite corridor. What I didn't have was permanent income-loss insurance, and neither do you. Yeah? Show me. It would require a $50 deduction off your weekly paycheck.

Speaking of storms, I finished "Fair Winds and Far Places". Around half-way through the book, the author loosens up and starts to act like a real person. He acknowledges that other people besides married couples like to fool around. But I doubt he could admit someone like me who has never raised a family could still lead a full life. You won't find me clinging onto the last spark of life like some, desperately hoping they can get back all they've missed.
Zane finally gets off the boat and tours the islands, giving a credible description of some history and what-not, though not a candle of what to expect from me if I had a fraction of such resources at my disposal. By chance, he went to and describes both people and places I know in downtown Caracas, Venezuela. But if he remembers gas at 11 cents a gallon over there, he was much younger than when I first arrived.
Okay, here's some free computer advice. What do you do if your disk player won't eject a disk. I get enough phone calls on this one to spread the word. This happens when you or somebody on that computer uses an application that has and "eject" command on screen. It disables the physical button. Until you find the offending program, the easiest solution is like this:
1. Right-click on My Computer
2. Go to Manage
3. Find Device Manager
4. Uninstall the drivers to the problem optical disk. (Careful, don't uninstall anything else.)
5. Reboot the computer.
Now you know enough to do some real damage. But hey, then call your local computer whiz. He can use the money. I didn't say it was advice for klutzes. It was so warm by noon, I headed for the library, where I read a volume on tailoring. That is way over my head, and for now, my intentions. But you pick up handy bits of information along the way. Like with electronics, where I have read my 29 chosen articles 130 times. That is a proper study. With sewing, mind you, there is much more material available at every level.
I can’t believe I watched an entire Mel Brooks movie, “Screw Loose”. Other than “Blazing Saddles”, his stuff is so juvenile it is embarrassing. Even then, it was the expensive choreography and actors that he could afford by then that carried it off. We all start somewhere but for most of his life, he stayed there. Not that I wouldn’t do the same, but you know what I’m talking about.
After more exhaustive testing, I’ve concluded my motherboard is the culprit. When the computer sits idle long enough, it will begin to issue random disk commands that made me suspect the disk controller. If so, that’s $64 down the drain—but now I can afford it. This took all evening and I caught another mouse. I know there is still one more. Maybe I could borrow Pudding-Tat? Return for the final verdict on this computer crash.
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