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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011

            I’ll never make a mystery writer. I’m too used to teaching. Take for instance this picture. Who can guess what is going to happen next? I’ll give you some hints. It isn’t a knitting contest. It doesn’t rhyme with “granola”. It is smaller than a house. Dang! See, I heard somebody whisper it. They got it already. There goes my Pulitzer.
            The results are absolutely delicious. I can only imagine the reason somebody isn’t doing this is the cost of the olive oil. Twice as expensive as the nearest competition, and it is a light oil that gets used up faster. But wow, that is good eating.

            Quite the windstorm came through at noon, I drove up to the library for some research. I now have some cluttered information about Arduino arrays. But the real treat was, stay with me here, now that I know what to call things, I’ve been looking up the computer code for people who did the same experiments. It is very encouraging to find that their code solutions, advanced for me a few short weeks ago, is similar to what I came up with. I mean, they are the published experts and I am a crass beginner.
            Even though I know she may see this, blog rules say I must mention the good-looking gal from the library. Sigh, the thing is, every guy in the place knows she is like the total babe. If she was 1% more friendly, I’d drop the hint, but I know better than to take a fortress by storm. As it stands, she might think I’m just another rube too broke for home Internet service. Rather than the ex-owner of the longest-term most successful Internet access business in town, a world traveler of the tropics and with enough brains to complete the New York Times crossword twice per year.

            Pat-B came by for the early evening. He talked about the blog, so I rechecked the statistics. My readership is back up. There was even a blip in late February that set a new record. Wish I knew what caused that; I’d bottle it and sell it. I should be grateful things are normal and leveled off. I think everybody is at home watching the Superman re-runs this week when they should be reading here. I mean, even Superman’s mother is sexier than Lois Lane. Blogs are supposed to get discovered and make the author rich and famous, dammit. Not take second place to bad acting.

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