We even got to talking politics. Remember back when I said the recession had not yet touched lawyers? Guess what? The obscene “profits” were causing lawyers to practically invent cases, if you ask me. Lawyers are only 1% of the population, but they seem to have the dominant say in politics at every level, which is why I say politics should be outlawed. People who need to be led around by the nose should not be allowed to vote, simple as that. The big law firms are admitting their profits have been falling since 2008. Breaks my heart.
Then I drove up to Sunrise in Ft. Lauderdale only to find the Borders book store up there has closed. Too bad, they had a more upscale clientele than the competition. I admit to never having bought anything expensive from them. I carried on to the beach but had not brought any beach gear with me. Plus, Ft. Lauderdale is hostile to parking; every possible spot has a meter on it. I thought of the Riverwalk but it is too hot out there.
I drove to the Barn on Stirling. I’ve read every book I find interesting in that place already. I caught a shapely redhead looking at me, but when I finally made eye contact and smiled back, she ignored me. She’ll never know. I was there for hours, a popular hot-weather activity for me. It is easy to see that business everywhere is suffering. There were only four people in the coffee shop.
Trivia. They are planning on gluing airplanes together. Consider that a Boeing 747, still the king of air travel, has six million parts and over 50% are the fasteners and rivets holding the plane together. I say they should use glue. I made my first airplane that way when I was nine years old. You know those balsa kits with the wind up propeller? I found if you used lots of extra elastic bands lifted from the school supplies, you could get some pretty amazing height out of those suckers. We are talking right across the park and onto the roof of the local pharmacist.
So, Arizona intends to build a border fence. It seems so typically political that Washington ignores the plight of that state. Walls are not 100% effective, but that is no reason not to build one. If it stops 50% of the illegals, it pays for itself. I read some history on the situation this morning and agree a barrier that works better than laws and border patrols is necessary. Of course, the Mexicans call the fence racism, but they would say that, wouldn’t they?
My take on that is easy. Mexicans are not a race, they are a nationality. Only stupid people think they are a race, and I’m all for preventing stupid people from inundating the countryside. We have laws against idiots entering our territory. That is rightfully so, for our native herds of morons need culling already. One cannot blame the Arizona people for thinking they are being invaded by an army that intends to take over and occupy their turf.
I am an isolationist, but only in the contemporary sense and I resent anyone who thinks that is either bad or short-sighted. I question the level of their education and historical understanding. Americans fought and died for their freedom, they didn’t hightail it for the nearest frontier. Mexican freedom and jobs should start at home.
Too many studies show that if politicians obeyed the will of the people, immigration would stop instantly. To hell with whether that offends the lawbreaker. The melting pot concept is a hundred years out of date. This planet has got cultural winners and it has got cultural losers. Guess which group wants you to “diversify”.
Last, in one of the National Geographic articles I found new twist on an old idea. The early English settlers called the local Indians lazy and listless. It turns out they first infected them all with lowland English malaria, and that condition is one of the recurring symptoms of the victims who don’t die. But, it is the kind of pragmatic conclusion that fit the facts. Eggs make you bald logic.
Well, maybe one more topic. I still get asked about tax havens and I don’t think there are any left. The USA has strong-armed and threatened every country in the world into compliance with our tax laws. Forget Switzerland, Gibraltar and Singapore. Even PayPal admits they will turn over the links to your bank account to anyone who requests the data. So forget stashing money overseas.
You should be more concerned with how little time remains before they outlaw cash money. This process is in the works, you know. Myself, I no longer care, since it was useless to warn people. And when cash is outlawed, some other anonymous method will arise, to which I am historically very adaptable and you are not. If you think about it, outlawing cash is essentially synonymous with outlawing privacy. Ask any Russian.