Remember Churchill’s, the sort of English pub in Miami? They have an in-house anarchists club. Here is their logo, without permission from anyone, of course, right? They don’t seem to have a single website (probably a good idea) and can be found by searching for Miami Anarchist. There are related groups in Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale. They report being hassled by the authorities, but what does one expect from anarchists who announce their identities and meeting places?

The stock market is playing hopscotch with your portfolio and over the big pond, Charles has married Diana again. Satellite photos of the Sahara have discovered 17 pyramids under the sand, the final resting place of the Pharoahs and possibly Jimmy Hoffa. When asked how one buries something like a pyramid, SEC officials shrugged, explaining they had recently downsized their staff because there are no more Enrons and Madoffs.
The White House proclaimed the creation of 388,002 new jobs last month, a lobbying triumph by America’s main growth industry, Telemarketing. Thugs in the Amazon basin assassinated a prominent rain forest conservationalist, a move not unnoticed by our very own Forestry Department. Tourism and air travel are down despite what Homeland Security touts as “the very finest in panty X-rays” and user-friendly pat-downs from off-season Disney eunuchs in ill-fitting uniforms.
Time! This is a serious blog where we learn many new things the easy way. But, but, I was being serious about the politics, it just came out that way. Hey, more serious than the anarchists. Their publications are rather dry reading. On the other hand I report a record 10,693 hits on my material.
The club meeting lasted three hours today as we went over progress and plans. We are narrowing in on a robot that follows a beam, much like a dog will chase a laser dot. We have collected all the parts except the brainboard which has to wait until somebody can afford it. The antennas still do not work and I will be asking for help later in the week.
One of my austerity measures is to buy second-hand books at the library sale, where they also have DVDs. I picked up one called “Blood Diamond” and it has a very disturbing message. Concerned with smuggling, it accurately portrays the reasons a lot of the civilized world doesn't have the best impression of the place. The movie is not for everybody, but I’d give it a thumbs-up for anyone who thinks cut diamonds are pretty. I have never personally owned a diamond.
Today's trivia? The word "blog" does not pass this blog's spell checker. They must be taking lessons from Google.
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