Mondays can be interesting for it’s the take-up day for the previous week spent as a musician. Here is the stretch limo of motor scooters up on 441 somewhere in north Hollywood. I don’t know if it is street legal or functional, but it draws in the business. I drove my scooter 100 miles today just to see what it could do. I was semi-disappointed. Top sustained speed was barely over 46 mph. I wound up in Del Ray and headed back in time for the club meeting.

I also did some small scale investing, an ounce of silver. It was to test the water and find a local source in case I am able to purchase over a longer period. I have experience with the long term, and after tomorrow, I hope that horizon has again become more than ten years (reference to my medical situation). Why silver? I’m one of the rare ones who have lost money on gold. You might say that as a preference, I prefer silver. Try to parse that sentence.
Dave-O came by later y’day and we went out for coffee. His union is going to bat for him, getting him recertified as a welder and putting him back on light duty. What I would not give to go back to work for another five lousy years. I’d have my Cadillac back, a house, and you name it, I know how to get it. There’s nothing you can’t buy in America with $10,000 down. That’s what, 8 weeks wages at a slack-ass job?
[Author's note: the trip never happened. Dave-O neglected to mention he owed the powers that be some time at their place.]
The trip is shaping up, we are both anxious to get back on the road for a few days. His truck is back in top shape and as I said, I have my share of the cash put away already. And nothing to do until then but study robotics. It is so hot we are pretty much decided to head north. If you just go to Georgia, it gets cooler, like you’ve crossed a thermocline or something.
I told him I’ll pay for the extra gas if we can drive with the windows open instead of A/C, just cruisin’ along looking for women and scenery. In that order. Drinking thermos coffee and eating ginger snaps, not a care in the world. That’s my kind of driving holiday. If it’s on the map, I don’t wanna see it. I haven’t been out of state since 2003.
I brought up some of my project ideas. The one Dave-O liked best was Project 24, as mentioned above. The idea was good. Have you ever left a note on your door you’d be out, but could not be too specific in case a burglar saw it first? Computer cell phone age or not, there are times you have to do that. My idea is an LCD with a number pad. It attaches to your door and is wireless to your computer. You can leave messages for any number of people. All they do is key in their secret code or phone number and it displays their message.
Who remembers I was to check in on the sewing machine? I did, and there seems to be a discrepancy over which model I chose. Two suddenly similar machines appeared side by side, one costing $80 more than the other. Similar is not identical and that is why I snapped the picture earlier – so there would be no confusion. I was quoted the price on the wrong machine. Nice try.
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