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Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011

           This was almost the new digs. At 32 feet wide and 72 feet long, it is one of the largest units on the market. But it is in Ft. Lauderdale, too far away for convenience. And if you want to live in Ft. Lauderdale anywhere except the beach you go right ahead. This unit’s asking price was $4,000 and is typical of the bargains available these days. Note it also has a matching carport on the left. I decided against the purchase for my own reasons.
           Unusual events for the day, I was under anesthetic for twenty minutes and had a full-color dream. I was on stage with Mary Chapin Carpenter singing a bass duet of “Passionate Kisses”. I had her eating out of my hand when somebody is waking me up asking if I want a cup of coffee. Coffee? Now?
           Eddie came by to give me a lift home. Always get Eddie for a ride because he used to work for Memorial and knows where all their sprawling offices and clinics are. And again, Memorial is recognized for top-notch patient care.
           The results? Another slight change of diet with some good news. Peanut butter is okay again. Do they realize what they just said? (Only kidding, I take it easy with that product.) Milk seems to have a bad name again and all my vegetables now have to be cooked. This is for the next three months. All you budding med students can try to make a reverse diagnosis with that.
           I also signed a form saying I would not make any business decisions today. As if a twenty minute exam that costs $778 isn’t precisely that. Or drink alcohol or drive and such. So I told Eddie I was going to give him a lift uptown for happy hour to discuss our million dollar recording contract, but it had to wait
           There is one part I didn’t like. During the run-up, I was asked to confirm my ID by four different people. Okay, so there is insurance fraud, but that is not my problem and they should pay me for any inconvenience because it is not my problem. Let them circulate pictures of the bad guys instead of this two-bit pestering of everybody else. Then the bad guys can complain instead of the good guys. They say that is the horrible “profiling”, but didn’t these hypocrites just profile me? My doctor knows who I am and that should be good enough.
           Here’s an item. I’ve had an anesthetic “hangover” since noon, can’t sleep, can’t read. It’s a groggy brain-numb that can’t be shaken, only waited out. For it, I’m watching TV. One can actually enjoy TV while droopy. It’s been seven hours. I doze off for ten minutes and miss nothing, even with the news. We have a potential explanation why the clueless find it so addicting.
           In keeping with last day’s club decision, I am rigging up two old wireless routers as source signals for the dipole antennas. These will also serve as a testbed to examine new packet-sniffing software, including two dedicated computers to monitor the readings in tandem. The record has not changed, we still have not built and successfully tested a working antenna. So we do it the hard way.
           We’ve decided to look closer at the transmitters, rather than the receivers. I mean, people who work in antenna factories must learn the trade. It can’t be that difficult. There has to be a source of information that spells it out. The usual on-line searches remain next to useless. I want to build it, not buy it or sign any memberships.
           There. That’s enough controversy for one blog.