Doctor's orders. It had to happen sometime. My low cholesterol diet has been replaced by a low carb diet. As I look over my offerings, it comes down to no potatoes, no pasta, no bread, and no rice. Hello rabbit food and diet soda for breakfast, like the photo shows. I dug out my old books to find diet food and I see that many of the recipes call for something I’ve never kept around the house: two cups of cooked and diced chicken. Why, instead of eating this here chicken I just cooked, I think I’ll first let it get cold and then chop it up for a couple days down the line. Right.

However, understand that most musicians have a deep-rooted distrust of the government and never declare anything. Even letting tax people know you could be a musician is iffy, as you disqualify yourself down the line from such things as food stamps should you ever need them. Musicians can be very adamant about privacy, I know, because I am that way about dozens of other subjects myself and that attitude has saved me so many times I’ll never change. I could tell you a thousand tales of douchecanoes who lost their shirts because they assumed I was just another schmuck falling for their empty promises. Like rent.
Having said that, guess who’s has been in touch? Remember Diamond Dave, the keyboardist I jammed with at Boston Johnny’s last year? He’s looking to gig again and I just found out he plays rhythm guitar. Tread cautious, I will, because the factors that say no are persuasive. Diamond Dave likes to play in large groups, like quartets. He also does an awful lot of draggy mood music. He views my act as “stuck in the past” rather than a distinct style that represents my specialty. And he wants Eddy to front the group but Eddy is notoriously unreliable. Still, should the gigs materialize I need the money bad enough to consider any offer.
As the new super computer develops, more resources are becoming available. Soon, the robotics club link will have CAD blueprints and videos of each step. These now take time and even our secure video link was visibly slowing the computers. We have located enough parts to build another Apple computer. That’s saying we may build Apples long before we can afford to buy them.
I often read a list called Miami Meetup Calendar. It shows the various clubs around the area and their activities. A result of my fruitless search of a robotics club, I return to this list as it reveals the character of the inhabitants. The majority of the clubs are social, ours is not. Dinners, bellydancing, photography, wine-tasting type of endeavors. This is mean, but social clubs swarm with people having nothing better to do. Mind you, if there was a sewing club I might reconsider. The Cooking with Chicken club costs $35 per meeting, which isn’t, well, chickenfeed. And they’ll probably want me to cube it or something.
Why Miami? The Miami Meetup is so much more amusing than the Hollywood version. Here we got clubs for insomniacs, political hotheads and over-the-hill jocks. But in Miami, there is even a club for mediation that can’t decide what to put on their agenda, get it? I took the evening off and went to the Barn in Aventura. I like their sale rack. The prices there are what they should be in the first place. Zero women, and I wasn’t counting, know what I’m sayin’?
There was a book that got me smiling. You know how women say men have second childhoods? Well, this said women have second adulthoods. It occurs after they get divorced. I thought it would be comedy, but it is was a how-to book to get back on their feet. The irony is that if you need advice to do that, why did you get married in the first place? Sigh, one thing about Robyn, she was able to handle everything on her own whenever the situation called for that. She could change her own tire and a half-hour later butter my biscuit. They don’t make ‘em like that any more.
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