I’ve been working several phases of the robot project. This time I’m looking at printed circuit boards. The DIY instructions make more sense now that I’ve soldered one (after watching Agt. M). The idea of corrosive chemicals in the house isn’t popular but the appeal of better circuits is surely going to overcome that objection. The PCBs are simply more rugged than wire and solder. If I don’t accomplish the electronic parts, there is no sense moving on to any mechanical design.
There are so many disciplines to be conquered toward robots. Right now, for I know no better, I would have to accept the speed of any running gear I connect to a motor and axle. That is one of the many obstacles that will require hours of study. Spirits are still high because of recent advances, we hope things will continue like that. My upper limit of study is the same as when I worked full time, that is, I can absorb about three hours maximum of new material per day. The pace I can learn today is no faster than it was twenty years ago. But I’d still compare that to 99% of the people I’ve met since then.

The electro-bike is the Currie model you saw here last year. It has two travel modes, all electric and the one I use, pedal assist. This is where the motor gives you extra torque, but only when the pedals are moving forward. The electric only has limited speed and range, around 15 mph for one hour. But I am used to pedaling hard and with the boost, call me The Flash.
The bike itself, though not cheap, is not anywhere as rugged as the Jamis and should be stored indoors. It has no speedometer so I’ll install something after-market. The bike will not be as cost-effective as the scooter but until I get totally reliable transportation, the green bike is my backup. I’ll have to put 5,000 miles on it to break even. It was bought partially with bingo money.
I might add the Jamus is totally depreciated. The frame is sound, but all the sprockets, cables and running gear are worn beyond replacement. It would cost twice what the bicycle is worth to get it back in shape. It is retired after 7,700 miles.
Internet control is a step closer, legislation is pending to severely cut into the freedom you have right now. Sure, the uneducated masses who don’t know how to download bittorrents aren’t going to miss it, but that’s hardly the point. There is software that targets downloaders and causes their Internet speed to drop off. The hidden agenda is the media companies who claim to be losing $16 billion per year. But that is based on the assumption everyone who will download a file for free will go out and buy the file if he has to.
Myself, I don’t like major record labels. They charge too much and so little of it goes to the performing artists. I’d guess they lose a billion a year. It’s a lot but they’ve been ripping people off since WWII. My point is I would not care if Sony or Capitol lost money once in a while. What they are after is a guaranteed profit. I’m certain for every measure, there will be a countermeasure. But what I don’t like is once privacy is invaded, the government gets involved and uses the technology for surveillance. I do not believe any government should have that kind of power.
The heat this day was unbearable. The house stayed cool yet one still likes to get outside. That was not possible even in the shade. I took the new electro-bike for a ten mile spin. The manual recommends completely draining the battery the first three charges. I had to walk past the casino and who came along to meet me? Pudding-Tat. She must have incredible eyesight to have seen me that far away.