This is a keyless lock with a twist. One of the Pop magazines features it this month. It has no key, you control with your smartPhone. From anywhere. Which is nice when the relations show up to use your ensuite. If they ever do, that is, or was that just more talk, too? You could let them in remotely. Provided you’re smart enough not to lose your smartPhone which can be a real challenge for most relations I’ve ever seen.
Dave-O was over to test all his phone equipment on this cable Internet connection. Everything works, but that is because I’m an old phone man, not a computer media freak. He totally overestimates what can be done with the resources at hand. He also does not understand you cannot just go on the Internet and instantly find what you want. We were at the beach twice today, since we were up there at 7:00 AM for coffee. We went back for that swim much later. I may invest in a mask now that I’ve found the water less taxing than I remember.
The beach area is like it has been for 60 years. Perpetually torn up for repairs without any apparent improvement. As with all beaches, there is inadequate parking. A bagel and coffee runs you $7.00. The sand is broiling in the summer sun. I took some pictures with my cell phone. I dislike doing that because of the complicated menu navigation system to get the pictures back out. You have to email them to yourself one by one. Typical 1990-think.
Bingo went on despite frequent electric blackouts to become a seasonal record. The house was crowded for this time of year. Since we finished early, I had the eBike downtown and had on me enough money to do anything I could want to. But I looked around for nearly an hour and did not see one woman I would approach. Without specifying anything wrong with downtown Hollywood, I find it is just not my kind of place. I thought about continuing on to the beach, then decided to leave that until I am more familiar with the eBike performance.
The places I looked were the Octopussy, Whiskey Tango, some Irish pub, the Coyote, I even looked in the door of The Big Easy. I did see one attractive blonde lady but watching from the corner of my eye, she did nothing but primp and fidget for five minutes until I moved on. She was worse than my brother in front of a mirror.
It was unusual in that it was definitely a local crowd downtown. You don’t usually see the yokels out in force. I have the same complaint as five years ago. The quality of the available women is so low one does not even want to be seen hitting on them. There are fifty ways to interpret that last statement, but until you go over there and look for yourself what I’m talking about, don’t be running off at the mouth. Don’t bore anyone with that beggars can’t be choosers quip which assumes every last person who ever made a bad choice was automatically a beggar. Hell no, I’m getting back on my feet and will soon be back in the saddle.
Instead, I biked home, cranked on the A/C full blast and made coffee and sandwiches. Mmmm, smoked honey ham with lettuce. While I rather be showing some spritely gal a good time, I spent a quiet evening reading. One thing I ran across unintentionally was a spinoff of the ultrasound sensor operation. While deciding whether to have the motor itself move or let it drive a belt (like inside your printer), I see that some way should be used to indicate what the software is doing. I’ll explain.
Have you ever seen those little LEDs on the side of a battery powered device that is green when charged, then turns yellow, then red when the thing is dead? That’s a rhetorical question, because I know I learned something most people never give a second thought. I said the LED turns colors. Did you notice it did not fade? That’s the thinking part. If it changed color due to the power, it would also fade but it does not. Therefore, it is reacting to a range of measurements. And is that not exactly what the ultrasound sensor needs be doing? Maybe I can work these two together off the same data files.
I’ve seen these expensive lights (up to $4.00 each) but thought they were a specialized component for color advertising displays. If I connect one to the sensor, I may create a visual readout without the complication of downloading and compiling code libraries. The light changes color as it gets as close to the data reading as possible. I must look into this. The club does not have any of these fancy LEDs.
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