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Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

           This is my newest project, completed late last night. All it does is flash a light, emulating a burglar alarm. Note the neat, tight wiring, by comparison. There’s something wrong, but troubleshooting will be a snap. I already deduce it is one of the resistors. And I already calculate buying the parts individually has cost close to $10 for this minimal device. Not counting labor.
           Allow me to point out the clean, uncluttered design, the pretty spacing of components, the lack of exposed lead wires and the general efficiency of the design. It could be made smaller by squeezing things closer, but that was not my goal. My first non-kit working model, and it has an integrated circuit. It will serve as a burglary deterrent. Nicolas Tesla, eat my dust!

           It is approaching a year since I won my court case. Things have improved immeasurably. A double laugh on all those who predicted I would blow all the “free money” on one big party. I wasn’t born on that side of the tracks and I still have the prescribed amount left in the bank. I’ll soon be asking my age-old question: if I make the same money as the rest, how come I’m the only one driving a Cadillac, poinking an actress and taking six overseas vacations per year? What’s more, in 2012, I’ll be laughing again. But like Wellington never said after Waterloo, “It was a damn close run thing.”
           Dave-O is convinced he can build a water heater with a microwave. Dude, I stay clear of anything more than 5 volts. Then again, Dave-O is a rich kid. His eyes sometimes go wide in wonderment when he sees me rinse a couple of coffee mugs in the sink, type of thing. “That looks just like how they do it in the movies.”

           I talked with a colleague about marriage, children, and divorce, an interesting equivalent to my own situation years ago. I can’t blame anyone who does not want children, but myself, I’d give anything to have them now. That is a figure of speech, because there is one thing I’m not prepared to barter and that is my soul. Difficult as this is for immature women to understand, reserving one’s own identity is not “holding out”. Grow up, gals, the divorce rate should tell you that insisting on all and everything isn’t such a good idea.
           The longevity of my relationships in the past is hard-hitting proof that allowing each other space and privacy are crucial. I’ve been looking for a decent woman since 1996 and can still crack a smile when some bolt-brain suggests I’m looking in the wrong places. Even my designation of decent has permutated. I need someone 20 years younger who will still be able to deal with teenagers when I’m old and feeble. She’ll need a career and I’ll mind the kids so they’ll all grow up to be geniuses.

           But do you have any idea what it is like to find a woman like that? Yes, all the other things make a difference, but you first have to fish in the right pond. I don’t really care how charming welfare mothers are, really, I don’t. It’s just that waiting gets predictably weary after twenty years. I certainly don’t regret staying single, but I’ve been ready for a long time now. Now don’t you cast the first stone.
           I see McCartney has been upstaging again, this time getting married on Lennon’s birthday. Anything for a buck. I may not have told you this, but when I was driving back from work in 1980 and heard all the Beatles music on the truck radio, I knew somebody had died and I prayed it was McCartney and not Lennon. When the Beatles broke up, they agreed not to announce it to the public. It was Lennon who quit the band, but a while later, McCartney released a solo album and made the announcement so he would be the one to cash in on the publicity. All I can say about that is I hear he, er, “came home early from his honeymoon”. Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha!

           Trivia. I do have a favorite quote by Wellingdon, goes “Mistaken for me, is he? That's strange, for no one ever mistakes me for Mr. Jones.”