One of the neat aspects of robotics remains that you encounter multi-talented people. On a single spur, here is the mount for the Vivitar helmet cam produced by Broward Robotics Club in less than 45 minutes from pieces off a bicycle bell. It is fully adjustable in both axes and matchlessly superior to the kit. Our novel 2D clamp, shown here modeled by Agt. M, examples his solid workmanship when supplied with proper club materials and atmosphere.

These jokers still aren’t thinking right. They are dead wrong assuming their jobs will be there and that they possess the skills to remain competitive. No workplace is going to keep high-priced codgers on while there’s a generation of public school grads beating down the door to work for peanuts. I’ll tell you another industry about ready to dry up: all these cute service companies run by “women executives” that sprang up in the past decade. Event planning, dog grooming, these types of highly disposable operations will go kaput, you’ll see.
I foresee huge layoffs as remaining industries gear down for long-run survival. That also means a return to operating on cash at a time when most boomers have forgotten what it means to buy without credit. Five years from now, I’d like to have some 70 year old coot mow my lawn for $5 and I’ll tell him not to spend it all in one place. These old people need to learn the value of a hard-earned dollar. You don't get that lesson when you borrow the dollar and then pay it back.
The government has increased the money supply by three times and that excess cash hasn’t reached the corners of the empire yet. That should occur by later next year [2012] and there’s your $10 loaf of bread. There is talk of gasoline going to $15 per gallon next year, $30 per gallon by 2016. The fact that the real estate bubble cost every American (women and children included) $54,000 is misleading because that only affects those silly enough to have borrowed that much over their earnings.
[Author's note 2016: thank goodness it is only talk. Bread is still around $5 per loaf in 2016.]
As for real estate, things seem to have tapered off at a house price of $60,000 each. They are being snapped up by South Americans and Asians as rental units. I say there is still room for a drop to $40,000 and maybe even $25,000 when interest rates inevitably climb again. I hope so because then I would buy a nice place on the beach. Maybe even something with an ensuite.
Later, after an extended 187 minute conference call with my people, my take is that those in the know say it is near panic time. Everybody is urging to buy anything of value now through end of 2013 while the paper money is still worth something. Pay close attention here, because this is extremely similar to the Option 22 mentioned recently. My pension funds are not indexed and a 30% inflation rate lops that much off each monthly stipend. Not only would that hurt, it would sting something fierce long afterward. Yet massive inflation is exactly the Government’s only remaining alternative. As that Weidemer guys quipped, “And they give these people Nobel Prizes?”

Here is a second picture of our club meeting today. That’s in case anybody thinks we ask permission from Ontario to get together in a trailer. Examine the scooter and the robo-car. The backside of both is the most some people will ever get to see.
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