Feeling like a little luxury for Xmas? Here is a leg of lamb, and not that big a leg either. $40.72. I haven’t eaten lamb in twenty years because of such ridiculous prices. Australia’s got more sheep than people, so why does this stuff cost twice as much as prime beef? Not that I eat beef, but that’s my choice, what with mad cow and steroids and who knows what’s going on with that industry. I’m partial to the odd Whopper. Generally, I consume more fish than beef.
One thing for sure, this computer is going back permanently. This is the seventh time I’ve had to redo everything and five times it’s been back to the shop. The latest theory is that it has too much memory, but a unit that cannot handle one gig should not be on the market. Every time it comes back from the shop, I have to re-install all my programs which are rarely MicroSoft and this takes most of a day. No, this computer has been literally more trouble than it is worth, which is about $300 wholesale. But I’ve spent a week trying to make it work.
[Author's note 2016: I messed up the original picture, but it was just a leg of lamb. Here's a nicer picture. I still can't figure out why lamb is so friggen expensive. It should be the cheapest thing on the shelf.]
This colored my whole day. So keep your head down if you don’t want to hear me bitch. The lady who can’t make up her mind talked to me again on my one break up at the coffee shop. Do I feel sorry for how bad off people are these days? No, only about the 10% who were already bad off before the depression. The other 90% have nobody to blame but themselves. They didn’t put away when times were good.
I’ve also had it with Office 2007. For no perceptible improvement, the jerks at MicroSoft moved all the commands and like I have the patience for that kind of nonsense. It is easy to note the changes they’ve made are for dumb bastards. People like fat-ass Sally the Secretary have all the dumbo features at hand, spell-checkers and other things that drop-outs need to function. But just you try to get something done. Try to find the format cell button now. Dumb bastards don’t need a format button, so it is hidden real good.
There, I feel better. Ray-B called, he is looking at a Chevy Blazer. That’s a vehicle I dislike less than others, but I view all non-working trucks as seriously expensive transportation—and SUVs are trucks. On the other hand, I’ve had great luck with used Fords in my life. He’s got stuff that need moving, so a truck is handy, but I’m leery of vehicles that cost money when not being used. I would not buy a truck unless I worked with it every day or other day. I’d get another station wagon.
I’ve been fasting for my physical tomorrow, makes me even crankier over little things. I went over the confusing array of options for my eventual retirement, I know you’re glad to see somebody effectively planning ahead. It will be a while yet, but it is clear I should take the bulk of the money as fast as I can. Then when I hit 65 later, I could hold my hand out like the rest or move to Mexico. I’m leaning toward an early payout for two reasons. A) My health, and B) the government does not dare let 85 million baby boomers starve to death.

Well, nice guy, your government is claiming victory as the number of unemployed in [south] Florida fell by 4,000 last month. We now have only 238,000 people walking the streets. I like the ballots in Utah which must contain the option “none of the above”. I snapped another picture of the Tropical Acres sign, still advertising a non-existent business after 62 years. If you are curious, the sign is a mile south of the Ft. Lauderdale airport, on Federal Hwy just as you enter Dania Beach.
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