I’ve been reading jimmyr, TIL about Aurora Trust. I’m more curious about their equipment than their work. I looked up the specs on their sonar. It is built in New Hampshire by Klein, yet another US company that doesn’t like to put price tags on their products. The device is the 3900 side scan which can penetrate silt on the sea floor, revealing otherwise invisible shipwrecks. A tethered camera is then lowered to promising sites.
I watched a documentary on film-making in New York, a town that has never fascinated me in the first place. But Woody Allen? The guy gets an award for filming Manhattan in black and white instead of color? Most of his material, I can’t stay awake, or follow the plot, unless the plot is always about some spastic actor who pays young actresses to like him. It is too evident to me that he writes his own material. Then again, so do I. So where’s my actress?
Next is one of my study entries. That’s something giving me a hard time that I like to record, then come back years later to see what the confusion was all about. In this case, it is clocking, the internal signal used by ICs (integrated circuits) to time data signals. It seems to be crucially important but I can’t find a single source that tells me how it works or how to employ it. They only describe what it is, which I already know.
In fact, I built a timer circuit that outputs an off-on signal (changes analog input to digital output). But all it does is flash an LED. When I connect it to a counter or timing IC, nothing responds. Once again, to all you great and wonderful electronics authors out there, thanks for nothing.
That reminds me of Caracas 1992. There was a 24-hour movie theater near Bellas Artes and I am a Schwarzenegger fan. Back then, I could only speak tourist Spanish so I was asking what time the next movie started. The only word I knew for time was “tiempo”, which translates to, “How long is the movie?”
There were seven polite and well-dressed staff at the theater, all saying “90 minutes”. I drew diagrams, I pointed to people exiting, I tried every variation of the question I could think of (about 30 tries). Between the lot of them, they could not figure out what I wanted. Oh, they knew they were giving me the wrong answer, but kept on giving the same answer no matter how I asked the question. That’s the best analogy I can think of to describe the thick fog of miscommunication that comes over bad authors the moment they get into electronics.
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