I was in Miami since early morning. Mass was at St. Jude’s. I snapped a picture of this restored tower downtown. At one point it was the only tall building here. It is northwest of the modern downtown and for some reason seems to me to be the only reminder of the stability that used to be part of this region. Do not get the impression Miami is a nice place of quaint little shops and friendly people. It is what America is going to become if people don't smarten up.
The remainder of the day, I went on as normally as possible. Marion called from Colorado, explaining her silence since November was a family matter. We agree that we must talk in person soon. I’ve mapped out how to get there, but I am not flying. I’ve heard too many credible complaints to trust airports. They put a little girl on the terrorist list. This is not the sudden time for confrontational authorities to be impacting on my sensitivities.
Ray-B was also on the horn. He’s spotted another Fishstick on Craigslist, the price is right but you need a mixer to work the thing right. He also found a club just south of here, a road I travel most every day, that I can’t find. They have an open mic, and I will look at anything short enough distance from my door. He further indicates the Walkabout is no longer bothering with Friday entertainment. Seems right, considering every club on the beach has virtually the same draw and Walkabout is the second-most outlying location.
JZ and I are planning a series of meetings over the upcoming months, mostly strategy talk. He is still the only American I know that does not like or drink coffee. Yet he can tell excellent brews from the rest just as well as I. This has the odd effect that he does not mind bad coffee. He’ll drink robusta (diner swill). He used to use his coffee grounds twice. Over ten years, I’ve failed to get him to drink only the best, and I’m buying. Few things I like better than a coffee with my meal, not afterward.
How about that liner that hit the Italian sea coast? Word is the captain was one of the first to abandon ship. Sounds ex-military. Would you say his behavior is hard to fathom? I’ll call him Capt. Crunch. How does a modern ship hit a stationary object? Isn’t there a GPS to keep track of dangerous waters? What do you suppose was really going on? Insurance scam comes to mind.
I’ll tell you who I think should go down with the ship. I don’t like Betty White. I have considered her acting ability, her experience, and her career, so don’t lecture me when I say she should step down and let someone young and pretty take over. Thirty years ago. Like Ted Knight, these are has-been leftovers that were never very funny in the first place. Your opinion may differ, but that is mine. I also do not think Bob Newhart and that Drew Carey fatboy are funny either, though I completely understand why people like my brothers think they are hilarious. There, there, really, I do understand.
Well, I’m all over the place today so I’ll sign off.
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