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Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

           There’s a guy on the Internet making photos that are hilariously revolting. He finds pictures of women posing in sexy poses, then photographs men in the same stances. This is uproarious to me who thinks there are few things in the first place more ugly than men who try to act sexy. If I link, I’d be breaking the law, so go find them on your own. It is similar to reading dialog where you can’t hear inflections. The things men say to seduce women (“You should not close such beautiful eyes when you sleep) sound terrible without the fake Euro accent.
           Dekka, the cafĂ©, was closed so I finally had lunch at Surf Road Taco, that always vacant joint corner of Dixie and Third. It appears mom & pop, but inside everything shouts franchise. I’m looking for a more upscale hangout for my daily coffee and I’ve had luck in LA finding small shops in design or light industry districts. Areas where single women are likely to work. I’ll try Dekka at least once more before moving on.

           Trivia. Look what I spotted. I noticed that Braille consisted of a six dot pattern, with each sentence “beginning” with a period. I was trying to figure out if that is combinations or permutations (it’s 6! (six factorial) combinations). Dang if while doing this I quickly learned to “read” Braille by sight. The trivia is the numerals and first ten letters of the Braille alphabet are identical.

           My movie stocks are running so low again, I watched “Unfaithful”. It’s another Richard Gere mono-plot. I get it. When a man cheats, he’s a horny bastard who can’t keep it in his pants. When a woman cheats, it’s a beautiful fulfillment of the emotions the uncaring husband has failed to supply as he slaves away at the office to support her. She had no choice. The double standard works both ways.

           Rather over a year ago, I stated I would document any lifestyle changes insofar as apparent to me after my insurance benefits began. I can report nothing major although what has changed is the way I do [the same] things. But there have been no momentous transformations.
           I still write, go for coffee, read, and play music in the same proportions. I still distrust politicians and bureaucrats. Driving a scooter has lowered mileage, but not time on the road. I’ve failed training myself to watch TV, and still have good reasons to believe most people’s troubles are self-inflicted while mine are not. There are new interests, like electronics, but no change in the rate at which I try new things. Here are the greatest changes are in method, not category.

           A) I have adapted to avoid stress situations. The only reason to ever have done that was a shortage of money. Those days are over.
           B) I no longer “schedule” daily activities, nor do I have to. Take music. I now practice when I feel like it, not when I can find time. And over it, productivity has surged.
           C) I accomplish tasks in 3-hour intervals instead of doing five things at once when there’s enough time. If I read, build something, or go to the library, count on my being at it for 3 hours.

           Any other changes? Yes, sleep patterns. Now that I can nap any time, I’ve experienced a slow return of core energy, that vim so many take for granted. I recall how recently ago I could not get up out of a chair or hold my own toothbrush. Now I’m having rare but welcome good days where I estimate I’m back to 50% of my former self. End of report.

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