Florida, home of the single vehicle accident. Here you see a flattened crosswalk signal. That’s my ebike parked on the right ‘neath the “Welcome to Hollywood” sign. I’ve so little mercy for people that “lose control” of a vehicle since this particular driver must have gone through pains to hit that post. No skid marks, and guys, I’m not buying the failed brakes story. Cars have two sets of brakes.

It was sprinkling, so with some hesitation I rode the eBike for eight miles, discovering that even nursing the battery still limits the true range to around half that claimed in the advertising. I’m lucky to get ten easy miles on a full overnight charge. I cruised along memorizing song lyrics in my head for most of a couple hours. I stopped at Jimbos on the way home, a break that was really needed. Being there working is not the same as a relaxing time to hang around, and tonight I relaxed.
Ray-B and I talked music theory for another hour, as well as the dismal music scene in Florida. If you want to play originals, the avenue is not renting a hall and selling tickets, but getting some air time with a local radio station. But this isn’t so easy, the only station playing originals I know is public radio and Ray-B says they focus on jazz. He reports when attending college it was common for instructors to indoctrinate everyone that jazz was the “highest” rank in music.
You know why I left MetroPCS, besides their high prices and lousy coverage, I mean? Because their staff generally doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on. The only real way to tell the difference between the service plans is to buy one and discover what doesn’t work. VirginMobile, my current carrier, is doing the same. Nobody at Radio Shack knows the difference between the $20 plan and the $30 plan. When I asked this morning the clerk kept asking me how much I paid per minute despite I’d told him as many times I did not pay by the minute.
One of the more retarded things you can do is have a pay as you go phone. Remember how Dave-O got his “free” phone? He was constantly counting the seconds and devising codes like let it ring twice, hang up, call back and he was still running out of time around the 20th of every month. My plan is the opposite, I’m paying a flat $30 per month for 1500 minutes of which the most I’ve ever used is 270. All I want is somebody to tell me what the $20 plan entails.
Another Radio Shack annoyance is they have again begun asking you at the checkout counter if you want to donate. Hell, no, and quit asking for money in public. I’m the one that put an end to the nasty practice at the phone company of posting on the bulletin board how much each employee “donated”. This whole charity thing is out of control. I once knew a kid who stole to give his family Xmas presents so don’t try telling me peer pressure isn’t a factor.
Shame on you Radio Shack. I already “donate” six cents on every dollar for other people’s pet programs that I don’t believe in and will never qualify for. Can’t I buy batteries in peace without yet another flunky begging for my dollar?
I think the old place, Wally’s Folly, is in danger of being condemned. They do that to abandoned property in this state. There’s nothing I can do since he’s the one that let that stupid daughter of his talk him into playing big shot. Do you think she is going to pay him back for all the trouble she caused, or if she will try to pin the blame on somebody else? I’ve got to be kidding, right?
For the record, if Wallace had kept his word, he would by now have a free place in excellent condition, new roof, new central A/C, completely furnished, and I would have taken over paying the full rent year round, not just the half I agreed to. I would have paid back the full purchase price, not just my half. He would also have a remodeled kitchen, free food, and probably a 30 year old Spanish-speaking maid in the place.
Why he gave all this up to try to squeeze me for money he knew damn well I didn’t have at the time is a mystery—until you consider how greedy his family can be. Oddly, I was aware of this greed some ten years ago. I know you’re thinking, I didn’t make any agreements with his family, but he took it upon himself to force them upon me. I’m not surprised they aren’t here because I do know that at some point crossing the border is going to get real tricky for them. And that situation means I’ve kept 100% of the promises I ever made to Wallace.
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