Let’s not forget real estate, mainly because I still want some. The west coast, as Naples is known in Florida, is tempting. I’m only looking, since the bustle on the Atlantic side isn’t doing anybody good financially, despite the claims of an upswing. I know exactly how to shop for mobile homes now and the pad rental in Ft. Meyers is only $250 per month, meaning I could afford the building and a new car. But I’ll wait until things get worse for the masses, and better for me.

Checking in on my dating site, I got the disappointment expected. There are no professionals there, so their advertising lied. A few women say they are students, but avoid saying at what. I carefully watch the profiles and most of the men are liars, which tells me a lot about the women. For the last two months, I silently examined the profiles of the women who viewed mine.
Face it, guys. Women go weird after a certain age, and call it “maturity”. None of them are going to get what they are looking for because men with what they want aren’t about to put up with such nonsense. When I want something, I have to sacrifice something else. Older women don’t seem to have figured this out. How will they find a good man if they find being a good woman feels degrading or stifling? The mystery of life.
But that’s where my new band will fill in the blanks. The best thing about country music is the women in the crowd, and foundation garments don’t fool me. Trent, the new guitar guy, is putting in the time though it is too early to say whether its due to motivation (good) or momentum (not so good). There’s always that tightrope between enough rehearsal and getting out there fast as possible.
I’ve added “Like My Dog” to the list, though I can’t emulate Currington’s fake Texas accent. Now we have something modern on the list. Good music and good women get harder to find over the years. On stage, I often make indirect references to being single, the social equivalent of walk softly but carry a big stick. I know it’s a matter time, but it has been 12 years since I found a decent woman. Like a heroine addict, the only cure I know is to get back on that stage.
It’s the old tale, I grew up around music and never had to work at a relationship. That’s a good thing. I chose women for looks and was rarely disappointed. I find young women with natural sexiness are simply far better adjusted than the ones who pile on the makeup and padding. The most common reason women left me was that I was not possessive. Things often went well for years, but as they “matured” they did not understand how I could love them without being possessive. Do older women need to feel indispensable? If so, that is really too bad for most them. I said most.
Yet I now realize so many of them had the qualities I didn’t appreciate as a youth but now crave so badly. I got spoiled. I’ve exclusively known women who were self-supportive, talented, who had their own job and car. Most had a career. Now that I desperately want such a woman, I can’t find any. And I’ve got $1,000 cash for the genius who can point to a venue I have not looked. Not say it, but point to it, so nobody be running off at the mouth.
No names, but here’s a true mini-crime story. Seems this guy we know occasionally attaches a bag of garbage to a bait hook when nobody’s looking. Visibly shaken he reports last time just as it went over the side, a mouth came out of the water and swallowed the bag whole. So fast it “yanked the 80lb line out of my fingers”. While they are used to tuna following the boat, the crew say this was no tuna and weighed an estimated 500 pounds. Littering is a crime, indeed.
So is that movie about Hamburger Hill, the one where the US keeps charging uphill on a 45 degree slope. Armies haven’t done that since the middle ages. You siege a hill, you don’t attack it. Plus, with air power, hills are just exposed targets. But Hollywood loves a good charge against hopeless odds. The whole movie must be boring, as action catches my eye, that I’ve seen only the tail end of that movie some ten times now.
But there is no more pitiful show in the world than modern American politics. It starts again with the 2012 “elections”. The grinning insignificant electing the chuckling irresponsible and unaccountable. Even if Ron Paul gets in, his policies will be suffocated by entrenched protoplasmic senatorial and congressional bulk. Voters can no better display their ignorance than by taking that retarded “it’s all we’ve got” or “don’t waste your vote” stance. Send in the clowns.
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