Here’s revelation of the true percentage paid by so many who say I’m wrong. I’ve noticed when I talk money, people who disagree with me won’t concede even the tiniest points. Such people pay 521.43% in the wrong direction. Wish I’d known such things were legal back when I got out of college. (One question on the final said the maximum allowable interest rate was 28%. They never taught us that only applied to banks.)
This morning I did the daylight saving hour up at Kiss’s. How nice to live like a fat cat, reading the paper cover to cover, making sure my fingernails weren’t to long. Planning my next haircut. The notable event was the Encyclopedia ceasing to publish after some 250 years. We all like a good series, but not at $1200 a pop. I got my start with the Britannica when I was eight years old. (My parents bought them for decoration, never once suspecting the books might be read.)
Barnes & Noble hasn’t changed. I checked them out. There were some ladies about, but not the type to smile back or anything so bold. Such books as would interest me are still priced out of sight, as in $45 for a beginner’s manual of Arduino. So I leafed through some texts and examined the wares. Women, you will never meet a nice guy if you use your cell phone to pretend you are busy. Yes, we all go to the coffee place to be busy on a Wednesday afternoon, isn’t it so?
Twisted politics and logic. The newest political angle is that those who argue against renewable energy want the nation to live in the past. Blame it on the taxpayer too dumb to recognize what’s for his own good. Right, we should be taxed to set up mega-corporations and global scale research facilities who don’t recognize us as shareholders. I say the original oil companies used their own money; let the new “oil” people do the same. But I don’t believe taxpayers should fund utility startups.
Summers near because all the Frenchies are driving back to Canada. The exodus began last Monday. If I didn’t say, the couple next door were light sleepers and that I didn’t care for. I like to get up at 4:00 AM butt naked and play some music. They were the first to leave. It was more her than him. She reminded me of my brothers, who found nothing wrong that you had to ask them to get out of your way up to forty times each day. You could not get far enough away from such people and still live in the same town.
I’m nearly finished “Fatal Terrain”. It is a no-read. The page count is doubled by over-descriptions of weapons. Who cares how they are built, we only care if they work right when aimed at countries who think they are better than us. You know who you are. The book does convey a good wake-up over the way other peoples have learned to manipulate America’s guilt and fragmented politics. Watch how US "leaders" run in terror shitting their pants rather than take a stand against anything non-white.
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