Here’s something you’ll likely see more of. Most will assume too many people are on line and try again later. What’s more likely is the Internet provider has declined to upgrade their equipment in protest. In the old days, the phone and cable companies made money because more people paid for service, but now they want to begin charging people for time on-line or priority. Where you stand on this issue depends on whether or not you work for the monopoly involved.
Morning at the bakery as I settle in for a quiet weekend at home. Again. That place is getting popular and like European outfits, each customer can take an incredibly long time. My speculation is that is why Europe is so full of tiny shops. They have to because service is so slow. I didn’t enjoy my coffee. The anesthetic (mild topical) from y’day is making everything taste like aluminum foil. Call me the grouch until at least noon.
That was Cowboy Mike with a request for more backing tracks. We also have to redo the original three to match the stage volumes. By that, I mean more than just volume. I’ve found on stage you need to make the performing part the easiest even if you sacrifice some of your own musical talent or desires. I’ve gotten away with other tactics but for a consistent good show, you can’t be minding any business but your own. If you can eliminate one more distraction it is worth it. The problem is that we were unfamiliar with the Tascam and the original tracks start playing at different volumes. Mike also has connections with some of the small cigar stores and bakeries downtown where I rarely spend any time. Over the years he’s played a lot of the joints with chairs on the sidewalk, another thing I don’t care for. Downtown is also strange, you can’t play on the sidewalk without a license, but if some business sponsors you, you can. But then, I’d much rather see somebody playing music than begging on the street.
If my own situation doesn’t harness up, I should consider the same game plan. I can already play most of Mike’s music, and I can easily sing another 20 tunes, but I mean sing in isolation (meaning just me and the backing tracks, I don’t play nothin’). For effect, I could chord along, but the kernel has to remain the singing, it’s what people hear to or you could be some disk jockey for all they care. The thing is, if there isn’t money being made, music is a long slow drain on the bank account. I’m surprised Mike hasn’t taken another part-time job. I’m surprised I haven’t. Is my singing good enough? One way to find out, and you know, I just remembered something. Doesn’t Cowboy Mike leave town for a couple weeks this time of year? Could I swing a deal where I borrow the Tascam? Once recorded, I don’t need the deck as a playback, I can manage with just MP3 versions. Time to negotiate, he still owes me five bucks.
I made a review of the club meeting minutes over the first year. At least we were asking the right questions in the right order. Due to lack of funding, we did reinvent the wheel in several cases. But I point out there is a difference in approach, father, on whether you intend to improve the wheel or haul potatoes to market. Some of the LED experiments were so complicated I would have trouble repeating them. I’m satisfied some organized agency is conducting subversion against Ron Paul, and it takes the form of downplaying his true standing in the race. It takes the form of continually saying he doesn’t stand a chance. But these liars already have too many balls in the air. One index they can’t seem to suppress is how he is packing the halls at the political rallies. The others ain’t doing so well in that department. Hmmmm. Much later, after bingo, I went to a Karaoke joint. Normally it would have gone well, but right after I walked in, some fat broad took offense. It was kind of weird that our styles clashed, she obviously did not care for the way I work with the crowd. It was also a disappointing bingo. You get that near month-end in the off season. But, but, Florida’s off-season is now ten months a year.
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