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Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2012

           Another look at the L293D H-bridge. If you’ve noticed the gap in robotics progress, you are right. In the end, I had to go back over every project, now that I have the tools and equipment, and test, retest actually, every theory and circuit. Anyone who studies electronics without a lab is unwise. Or an engineer. With the H-bridge, it is not enough that forward pins go LOW. Reverse pins must go HIGH. I had no idea how important this was.
           This is a photo of club soldering work on the same circuit design, six months apart. I know it's blurry, but a new macro camera is in the budget soon. But it looks like we’re past the just-get-it-to-work stage. And finding out that formulas are necessary for any serious design work.
           This isn’t my day, with a rough morning and medical side effects that include a sensation like I’ve broken six ribs and strangely, my thumbs are puffed up half again normal size. Put everything on hold as I wait this out. I tried to get cheery driving the eBike but even the bakery people knew instantly I was in pain. They gave me a free lemon cheese bun. But I’m feeling grouchy. Stay back.
           New rule: When you invite me to Karaoke, please, don’t do it on family night. It’s just my party atmosphere doesn’t include weight watcher rejects, the bipolar, and six of the mentally handicapped. That, and Fridays aren’t my Pollyanna night. Like the man says, the time is never, I’ll let you figure the place out on your own.
           But, I stuck around the show long enough with the last of my callout money to put on the best. After song three, the Frenchies, some squat black lady, and a 40-ish monotone broad with big hair were making like they knew me. On the way out, I told the broad I’d see her next week. Then I thought and added, see you alone next week. Forty or not, she might take the hint. She better, I never ask twice.
           Here’s some more for you people with nothing to hide. How does the government abuse passports? Simple, there is legislation pending that your passport will be electronically cancelled if you owe back taxes or if somebody merely claims you owe back taxes. As Ron Paul said, fences can also be used to keep people in.
           It’s a hoot talking to Cowboy Mike these days. He’s proof people don’t listen and have to reinvent their own wheels. He talks about setting up a gig to practice, sharing tunes, etc, as if it was all his own idea instead of things he rejected when I suggested them six years back. Now that he’s determined to solo instead of rely on drunks, guitar freaks, and ex-hippies, he’s plowing the identical ground, even suggesting I set up my PA at Jimbos. He believes he’s converting me to brand new ideas (and he must be right because I agree so readily). No snarky comments about my brother, please.
           Having and needing time to think, I rode the eBike to bingo and could now go anywhere I wanted for Easter dinner. You know, don’t conjure up the portrait of the bachelor at the diner counter reminiscing. Hell no, I’ve had some of my best escapades and adventures on Easter and Xmas days by not sitting down to the family back-stabbing contest they call dinner. I did expect a house full of my own children by now, but that’s not to say that’s everything. At least not yet. I’ve decided to stay right at home and putter around. The quiet, contemplative Easter you don’t get with a big crowd.