Ah, my Harbor Freight tin snips, at $6, leaving me enough to pick up the other item in today’s photo. In case you’ve not seen them before, these are the little plastic packages that Integrated Circuits are sold in. The packaging is finicky, in that each one is custom to the chip inside. Often there is a diagram and pin specs as well, so don’t throw anything away unless you know how to find the data on-line.

And, they aren’t cheap at $3.50. Normally, this display is driven by a series of chips that interpret various signals. My challenge is to get the thing to display not just numbers, but every possible combination of the segments all by using Arduino code. Then I’ll video this and send a copy to Singapore. For the record, the new Blogspot will not take the video uploads again, despite still displaying the video buttons. I’ve been trying to post you some videos for a while now.

There are sources that say one must activate a Google account to upload video. I know they took over this company. But I hesitate with any type of registration with Google given their reputation for invasion of privacy, unauthorized storage of personally identifiable data, and dispersal of same without “knowledge or consent”.
However, I did find the switch to return Blogger to the classic interface and I will try uploading video through there. If you go back to y’day’s post and find a video, then I succeeded. And if that worked, you’ll find the video of the spider somewhere nearby. Folks, even though Florida is not the tropics, all kinds of critters like to live here. If that bothers you, stay away. In Canada you got one million mosquitoes per mile, here we have one million different things in the same area. And both million will bite you, so take your pick. Keep looking, you’ll want to know this spider if you see him. He’s got all of Nature’s “Don’t Touch” colors.
It’s still a whim, but I’ve got a route planned to Colorado, I could be there on the scooter in six days, seven if I take it easy at 40 mph. No Interstates, nice paved back roads, see the country. Total cost, including meals, motels, and gas would run $362, or comparable to the Amtrak, which takes 60 hours vs. 48 hours driving slow. Put another way, that’s a week's excellent entertainment for less than $400. I’m thinking on it.
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