If you see a video placeholder here, good. It means I’ve got the video upload feature working reliably again. Don’t attach any importance to these clips, they are small projects I use to test the software features. Entertainment only. And as my newest disclaimer goes, these videos are not to be used for any purpose that results in harm. If you see bicycle tracks in the wet cement (probably a 2007 repeat), try again tomorrow. I’ll get those movies happening somehow.

It can be futile finding useful projects on the Internet, but I may have a breakthrough. It was also difficult to get anyone to explain the clock signal, or that the ordinary 555 timers the club was using were a good source. However, once I figured out (on my own) that the clock didn’t tell time and the astable mode meant a clock pulse, I correctly imagined this could be used to build a timer. A kitchen-type timer. Now I’m hot on the trail of BCD (binary count decimal) chips and displays.
Scratch space.com off my Opera speed dial. The last thing you want in your face when you click on Jupiter photos is some fat married broad plugging Mormonism for 30 seconds—and you can’t turn the bitch off. I would love a law that allows all advertisements to be filtered out. The Internet is about freedom of speech, not sucking up to some corporate dollar signs.
I’ve been watching Van Damme movies and I have a question. I know he always starts off as a low-paid stiff, but why is it his doors always have several bolts and chains? Is he afraid somebody is going to break in and beat him up? Bingo was tolerable, I’m not complaining although the event falls short of it being my own Saturday night out, too. I stopped at the Karaoke place after-hours, there was one woman in the audience. One, black, 300 pounds.
I got e-mail from an old high-school chum. He’s visiting the states next year and asked about Florida. I advised him to do so only in the winter and if he knew somebody here. The locals have chased away the tourists with ridiculous prices and insane policies. One needs a license to play guitar on the beach and watch out where you ride your bicycle. Plan on renting a car if you fly here as the public transportation will get you to work, but not to play.
As July approaches, the 16th is looming as the launch date for Colorado. Ah, some say, aren’t I talking about the future right after I said I didn’t do that? Nope, I’m not talking of the future, I’m talking about the plan, and that is in the past. Ha! Leaving on a Monday, the weekday motels will be cheaper. The tentative route is a hundred miles from any coast, away from the tourists. There will be no rush, I’ll be lucky to average 250 miles per day. That all depends on what there is to see along the way. The assumption is I’ll be driving a motorcycle.
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