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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012

           I was not home when the attempted bicycle theft occurred. The thief sliced half way through the cable when the alarms tripped. He sat on my porch and waited. He knew the jails were overcrowded and he’d walk. Justice, Florida style. Please examine the cable in today’s photo. My question is why would a man trying to steal in broad daylight go through all the extra trouble to make such a perfect cut? Examination of the videos offers no more clues. Occam’s Razor says the guy wanted to be caught.
           Should I publish on Kindle just to see what happens? It’s tempting, read on. That silver article of y’day was popular enough (193 hits) to make me consider hack writing because, you know, I didn’t say anything new. (The Hunt brothers would have gotten away if they’d bought metal and avoided certificates. Buffet sold his silver at $13 to the banks in return for their turning a blind eye on certain of his “other operations”.) Trivia. Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth originally didn’t mean rich. Silver acts as an antibiotic so babies fed with a silver spoon were less prone to viral infection.

           Who recalls the Ural I didn’t buy last November? The one with the whack-o lady seller. When you phone her local number, some guy physically in California gets on the line and they want your life history before they’ll talk about the wheels. They claimed it was sold, yet today what do I see? An ad with different words, but the same grammar. That’s an ad written by the same person and I’ve got the full asking price says it is the same vehicle. How do I get my hands on it?
           Later, I ran through my files and got a match—it is an identical motorcycle and by tomorrow I'll know if is the same one. I told them last year the price was too high and in the end they’d sell it to me, and do so without prying into my background. They dropped the new list price a thousand, but are still in the stratosphere for a 16 year old vehicle.

           Trivia. Crop circles. I can’t believe how many people still believe they are supernatural. All you need to do is look at how part of every circle is intersected by a “tractor trail”. That’s how the pranksters walked into the field without leaving footprints. Now, how many times do you see a real field with those tire tracks? And be sure to sprinkle iron filings around the site so emulate a meteor impact.
           Next, I put in a standing offer with an agent in Palm Beach for a property. For the next twelve weeks, he’s to shop a bit for me. I chose this guy because he wasn’t like other agents who pump you for data to channel you into their orbit. He understands I’m looking to “buy a used trailer in No-Wheres-Ville in the middle of a real estate bust, so let’s us keep things real”. Anything I buy now must include land, but in Florida beware of homeowner associations. I’ll explain.

           There exists a category of rules that can only be enforced by strangers paying attention to things that are not their business. (Did I just describe Canada?) One such rule here is if I move in a girlfriend, I have to have her “cleared” by the office, including a $45 criminal background check. That is totally out of line and an insult besides, but some people gotta snoop.
           What’s this, Facebook usage is declining? After the failed IPO, reports of declining usage and decreased growth seem timely. I know little of the internal workings, though I agree with Cowboy Mike’s assessment that Facebook’s value is based on hooplah. I was curious to learn Facebook “has a requirement that users give their true identity”. My account (or any other on-line entity) has never had a single fact about me in their possession. Some are saying Facebook will implode by 2020. That would be fun to watch.
           Marion called. I have a Colorado deadline, I must get there asap as they are giving up the big fancy house. The projected settlement of affairs means neither of them can keep the place. She doesn’t want to be in an assisted living facility any more than I want to live in a trailer for another year. She’s twenty years younger than me, for crying out loud. But we are a team and that changes everything.

Five Languages That I Can Count To Ten

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