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Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14, 2012

           Hey neat, there’s my little red scooter on the Internet. This is part of the security system at Quizno’s. It is on-line, as this trailer will be in a month or so. I spent a half-day on the computer problem and did not bring the disks with me required to tackle this level of problem. Most of the unit, including these camera channels, are working fine, so I took Biscayne back home, stopping for blank disks. We’re going to need ‘em.
           JP wasn’t in, he’s working a second job. This is perplexing because he should be learning to take it easy. Look how long it took me, and I still have trouble when I’ve got nothing to do. JP is 19 months younger than me, and he keeps late hours chasing skirt. When I’m not around he trolls, when I’m there, I insist we fish for them instead.

           In a nutshell, the computer problem is some MS quirk that causes certain types of files to latch onto certain apps. You’ve seen this if you ever find you can click on a picture and it knows what program to open it with. That link can become corrupted. And if it is you business computer with your re-order software and payroll, time to call me out of retirement. I must return next day.
           Then for a small crowd, bingo was a great session. This is a benefit derived from my centuries long rule that the show must go on. The fewer the contestants, the more numbers have to be called per game, so it remains a two-and-a-half hour game even with half the usual attendance. The layoffs mentioned last day are also keeping people away, since the staying the entire evening costs $13 for cards minimum.

           Sadly, the blonde lady that works there was called home due to an illness. I knew she had children but have no idea if they are infants. But her daughter began to “shut down” a week ago and passed on y’day. It makes me aware of mortality more so because I’ve never patronized one place for so long as Jimbos. I’ve been there on average twice a week since 2006, once was for my gig sure, but you still get to know the stories of all the regulars.
           And Wanda, the Karaoke lady, is down with what could be pneumonia. Again, these are people I’ve known for years, much longer than any other place I’ve ever hung out. I admit to rarely ever being a customer in places where I entertain but this joint is different if only because of the time span. Let me think, what is the longest I ever went to one place? Probably three years in Missoula. Lots of two-year gigs, that would include places like Churchill’s.

           There was another contender, a place that was on the way home the last four years I worked at the corporation. It was called Connections, and that is where I met Wallace. I often stopped there after a working day for free cold beers by consistently winning every trivia game. (You have no idea how easy it was to get top score around a bunch of Canadians.) When I worked for a living, I liked a beer after work, and while it would be unfair to say the only reason I ever went there was because I drank free for years, essentially that’s how it went. The place was a real watering hole.
           My new low-fat diet continues. After a week, no results. Here’s what has become a typical big meal for me. This was on Alaine, the meals are tasty once you get used to vegetables, but there isn’t much of a savings on calories. And you know what else is a joke? The person who figures a half-cup of rice is a “serving”. Remember, my diet only restricts white rice and white bread. I’ve imposed the cutdown in quantities on my own. Quizno’s is on the charts of what I can have, considering I’m leery of claims be a lot of health food offerings.

           What exactly do they mean by sugar-free when there is another label warning this is not a reduced-calorie food. And why are whole-wheat and whole-grain products otherwise packaged identically? On the bright side, any label is better than no label most of the time. But I had to cut down on oatmeal. Can you figure out why? I mean, it carries that big promise that it is good for the heart. It may be, but it is far from the best thing you should eat for breakfast.

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