I’ve already said, but Lexulous is a better thought out game than Scrabble. You get eight letters which considerably speeds it up. Yes, there are plenty of anagram web pages, but the top points derive from tight groupings and there is no site anywhere near sophisticated on that count. Not against me, anyway. I’m regularly trouncing my opponent by a hundred points a game so I don’t think she’ll stick around. My last three words were “jerrycans”, “fermions”, and “truancy”. I dispatched compliments over her mastery of 2W and 3W. I hope she doesn't quit over this but I've won nine in a row.
I reviewed my [music] material later last evening, like all good musicians do I’m sure. I have an aversion to playing exactly the same thing as the guitar player. That’s for beginners. I spiced up some Del Shannon bass lines where the recordings were indistinct. This is what I mean by stage thunder. My bass compliments, it does not compensate, and hell yes, there’s a difference. If the guitarist schmucks up, well, let’s say I expect a guitarist these days to know his stuff.
Still not sleepy, I read a deep article on finite state machines. Don’t let the unfamiliar term scare anyone for you are using such a machine. What your computer does next depends not only on what command you issue, but also on its memory of what it just before. (That memory is not infinite. In fact, it is very, very finite.) I know the circuits work, but understanding them has always given me the heebie-jeebies. So I’ve made up my mind to finally learn them.
The basic circuit is called the RS Latch, for set-reset latch. I sort of get it. Unlike the truth tables I’ve recently relearned, the latch output is not strictly dependent on zeros and ones, but also to the state of the machine, which is memory-wise, finite. Thus, we no longer call the output 0 or 1, but Q or not-Q. Why? To make sure the viewer understands it is not a simple logic gate, but has a memory. That’s my sort of.
What’s this, another mass shooter, this time in the very neighborhood in Colorado I would be visiting if plans had gone right. There is no news yet, but the killers always turn out to be some loser who got weeded out of the social scene since his early teens because he was such a damn awful geek. This rampage is his only chance at fame and even then he’s just another copy cat. That’s my prediction: another self-absorbed white spoiled middle-class zero with obvious personality defects addicted to computer games. I’ll bet we even get to listen to his mother say he was always such a nice boy.
This one was no kid; the witnesses are saying he was in his twenties. I grew up in an atmosphere with this brand of hatred. I know very well how near to the brink these type of nobodies sweat out every day, convincing themselves I “stole” all the good things before they even had a chance and how I “took away” all the easy things they were supposed to have. Now don’t worry, none of my family will go off the deep end—they are terrible cowards. I’m just saying I know all about men who stew in their own juice with a hatred you cannot imagine—but nothing will get them off their asses because they are convinced you got it for free.
I was on another date today. Another flop. Gals, there is a huge difference between liking music and playing it. I don’t believe listening to classical music makes you sophisticated any more than I consider chess makes you smart. It just ain’t so. The big news is that I’m out there again, on the prowl, back in the dating scene. Remember, this time I’m looking for something long term. To me, five years is long term. What are my minimum standards?
Same as ever. She must be self-supporting. I’m not selfish on that count, rather just practical. If she’s over 30 (and this one is), chances are she’s not only been paying her own bills, but the last guy’s, too. So there’s no free ride just because I came along. No clinging types, she has to hold the place together whether I’m gone an hour or a month. If I have to upkeep the whole situation myself, I’ll marry a Thai woman and at least have the fun.
While admitting I have zero experience living with older women, that doesn’t mean I’m wishy-washy over the arrangements. Got company? You’ll find me in the den reading a book. I don’t do house parties. Watch television, and you’ll be watching alone. I’ll keep all my plates in the dishwasher if I want to. But please, I’m out of the house often enough that you can talk to your mother and kids when I’m gone. I’ve seen that break up so many couples that I don’t care to even overhear it.
I’m bringing it up because my date today got right to the point and we talked about such things. She’s got some hard bark on her, that one. I feel she’s not my type, she says she can work around that. That’s pushy, because it assumes I don’t mind someone doing so. She has an amusing self-perception like a want ad, “Extrovert with great sense of humor.” Yeah, until you need them on stage, then they run like a chicken. Not her, but I mean I have to smile when an older woman points out she can dance. Like, who cares?
Once again, it is more revealing to notice what I won’t accept. Not understanding that I’m not “playing” on the computer all day and I’m not “playing” on the guitar all night can get you canned. Don’t make fun of what I do for a living or you’ll be on the streets. Ask Theresa, I won’t stand for it. I’m antsy about women who pay too much attention to what I do and/or think I don’t pay enough attention back. Get off your horse, lady, I’ve known too many women who have the confidence to let things be.
Let’s watch this one, however. Even my “no-go” relationships tend to last more than three years. This is because of the generally higher qualifications I insist on in the first place. Marion and I are over 30 years, Liz and I are friends 26 years, Julia and I are at least 24 years. Even with my idiosyncrasies, a woman has to be a total deadbeat to not find some use for me around the house. At least I pay my own bills, shower every day, and I can fix things. I don’t trust the new one yet. That’s a requirement I only waive for very sexy young women. She ain’t.