I should be celebrating, I passed another medical with almost flying colors. See more about “almost” below. This is a jar of honey, which for some reason I’ve always regarded as health food. In this case, it is Amish honey and carries a price tag of $17. That seems about right if it really is hand made, meaning that’s about what I’d have to sell it for.

Ah, yes, I said “almost”. The clinics aren’t precisely saying (but I’m saying) have switched from my ticker to testing my diet. They measure blood sugar, kidneys, cholesterol, and triglycerides. I did not get the coveted okay to return to part time work. Bad heart.
[Author’s note: My bad cholesterol level surges and abates for no reason and my reading has been over quota and climbing since 1994. Nobody knows why. It is evident (to me) my system is manufacturing the substance from ordinary food. I have not eaten any high cholesterol products since 2005. A third of my food supply carries the heart-healthy symbol. What am I missing that this carries on for so long?]
So enough medical, let’s talk music. I’m 22% done my tracks. I’ve got it down to a system and I was right that Boss BR-600 is a fussy contraption. Still, there’s nothing like watching somebody who knows it floating their hands over the dials and buttons and getting results. I’m purposely keeping a track open for when I can cajole Ray-B into some decent rhythm. But I’m not slowing down at all and I’m digging tunes out of my own garbage can to get the required 32. There’ll be no big splash when I hit this town but be danged if I’m leaving it any longer.
Now I remember where I saw that salesman at guitar center who is sold on midi. He was the guy playing on the beach that I thought was pretty bad. If he was using midi, then he’s doing something wrong. And because I can’t find anybody to show me how to do midi, I’ll stay away from investing in it. Besides, midi lacks warmth. That brings me to the logistics of my new act. The remaining big ticket item is the portable PA system, and that means the Fishstick.
Otherwise, I went with the tried and trusted. All mixdowns are MP3 using the identical system I developed on my own in 2006 for my first act and now used for bingo. Everybody is using a similar system now but I did independently figure it out by myself, so I’m ahead of the pack by a few dozen techniques a.k.a tricks of the trade. I even tested my old RCA Lyra player, though I’ve long perfected the use of DVD players for stage work. If I had the know-how, I’d build a MP3 player with a DVD screen.
The scooter has a cracked muffler bracket. It is a welded part and guess which course I decided not to take this summer because it cost $204? I’m going to see if I can fit a flange over the crack and tighten it to the frame. The damage is a long-term result of that attempted muffler theft earlier in the year. I have reported the lack of maintenance over the past two years because it dismays me that I had to. May I direct your attention to the fact that only the things which required cash were neglected, never the routine labor. But taken as a whole, things are now beginning to cost. I warned me.
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