How pretty, it is the pre-bingo count to make sure all the balls are present. Time permitting, I’d arrange them by order and color to detect duplicates, but by and large this is how it goes. The ambient lighting has a yellow tinge. The summer crowds have dwindled to six or so regulars, but the show goes on. What else is there to do on a Saturday in this town when you got no band?

After brunch at the bakery, I scootered to CompUSA and now have the noise-canceling headphones I needed two years ago. These are battery powered, so watch me forever forgetting to turn them off. But fans running in the background are a Florida given. I brutally took apart the videos and I’ll never be able to compete with store-bought midi tracks. However, a closer examination shows that the half crowd that liked my show were country music fans. I was not playing a country venue, so time to ponder.
The trick seems to be recording all the instruments at the same volume, ignoring the mix until ready to finalize. There is also an incompatibility with my PA system which causes the drums to distort. I would like a recorder where I can set the playback levels on stage but that’s a dream for at least another year.
I’m brutally taking apart my show. Do I dare include newer music, or will that force me into the same rut as the gitar players? Do I stick with habit, full well knowing the crowd for this brand of music is dying off, but plenty of them will outlive me? My levels were off, but it was only my first attempt, I should be happy I got that far without any help. I still have the tracks and I still haven’t cajoled Ray-B here to do the rhythms. Even joking around he can play circles around me. And I have no inclination to try to sound like the original. My show was and will be 90% presentation.
Professor Howard called. Yes, when you don’t learn your lessons, you make lots of work in the end. Do not manually indent your paragraphs, I taught years ago. The grammar part of computers, databases, programming languages, and the Internet was designed by idiots who knew nothing of proper typing skills. (Only a total un-loved geek puts a semi-colon at the end of every sentence, duh, yup.) Manual indent is font-dependent and can screw things up when Kindle-ized. That’s why Howard gets to take today off and remove the five spaces at the start of every paragraph in his new book.
How could non-monetary matters affect social security? Easy, as recent polls show a majority (52%) of the public now perceives the program as “needing revision”. If that’s how they see it, that’s how they vote and the facts be damned. I would like to see a user fee for Medicaid, I’d gladly pay the first $20 per visit because it has such a huge impact on the thinking of hypochondriacs and welfare mothers, and because I believe nobody should run to a doctor unless they are really, really ill.
Did you know nothing really covers up the awful taste of powdered milk? Not even chocolate pudding mix.
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