This is considered fun when you drive an older vehicle. And it is. I’m slowly tracing every wire, replacing bad sections, and waterproofing all joints as I progress, learning always. Today was the rear marker lights and turn signals. The markers were completely disconnected indicating a previous owner had something else rigged up instead. I can see how the lights were changed to be always on, something you don’t want when starting ‘er up on a low battery.
Today brings me a step closer to getting completely out of the computer business. I got a callout but lost money on it. The difficulty is that older customers remember when twenty bucks was a big deal. You can’t get anyone for that any more and it isn’t even a tank of gas on the Honda in some parts of town. Plus I’m encountering ever more computers that have “choke”, my term for dozens of sneak apps that install themselves and chew up your CPU power. Like that useless MsMpEng.exe.
Here’s how you disable MsMpEng.exe, not for beginners. From your Run in the start menu, type [services.msc]. From the list, find anything that begins with [Microsoft Forefront Client Security], right-click on the file to see the drop menu and change it to “Manual” mode. If you know your way around, the app is also part of MSE or Windows Defender.
Looks like Canon got me good. A $35 printer requires $48 of ink. For reasons unknown, my last refill job didn’t take. That’s happened before and I know the solution is new cartridges. Why somebody hasn’t been arrested for this price gouging is a mystery. I’ll spend the money tomorrow so I’ll feel a little richer until then. That, any my scooter repair is $40 over budget. It is a fallacy that the Internet lowers prices because stores don’t have to pay high rent.
Which brings me to the next chapter of “Titanic” where the fiction of law and the fact of gentlemen’s agreements to fix prices everywhere. Except in the music industry, where some nobody with a Karaoke mic will undercut anybody. Another mystery to me is the cash sales of vehicles and some lower end properties. I’ve paid more than the $5,000 limit several times and I know I don’t have to fill out a 1099. But I’m also certain the seller didn’t either. What good is the law if it isn’t enforced? What bad is the law? As if any crook would be dumb enough to both have that much money and get caught. And Miley Cyrus’ tune “Party in the USA” sounds worse than Justin Bieber rap.
Nothing. That’s how to describe my wonderful video once I put it on youTube. It was reposted by an East Indian outfit called firstpost, then zero. Fine, but it certainly stands out as a work of art compared to the other amateur offerings.
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