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Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27, 2012

           Holy moly, this was a hard earned day. The hurricane has moved on to the northeast where it will surprise millions of unprepared people. Goes to show you these million dollar satellites that give five days advance notice are just not doing their job. But I did mine, pertaining to making room in the back for the studio equipment. Even speared a small hole in the middle of my palm so it looks like I’ve “got the astigmatism”.
           Here is the old kitchen area, now with fancy work desk. This will be the only time you’ll ever see me with such a clear and clean work area. It rests where the table used to be meaning if things are still in situ come spring, I’ll have to install another air conditioner. This is what an exciting life consists of in Florida.
           On the side, I compiled some facts about on-line dating. Referring back to my experimental proof that all such services have age as their primary matching criteria, I focused on DateHookup and eHarmony. Age as a match is elementally wrong, so I looked closer at the goings-on. Age does dumb things like plop all twelve-year-olds in the same classroom. It would seem dating services are trying to simplify a very complicated enterprise—finding a soul mate. And they are doing so with the one group of people who have demonstrated the least success at it.
           I’ve not sifted the facts yet, but both male and female applicants believe all the good ones are gone. Men describe themselves (lying like hell about it) and women describe their dreams (omitting their past from the equation) . Success stories are composed entirely of marriages with correspondingly no stats on the failures. This is also very wrong as the traditional nuclear marriage has been a minority for most of our lifetimes. Those who fail to find a mate have one major commonality: they are asking for more than they can give in return. They don't grasp that love works on the barter system.
           Abiding by the premise that all dating clubs have got it backwards, I do have some conclusions so far. By backwards, I mean they collect the very member data most losers would fudge. From a dating standpoint, there appear to be 13 distinct types of men and 30 of women. Men tend to outright lie, women tend to conceal. But on-line, all are at the mercy of the dating club algorithm. Most of us know what happens when others think they know more about what we like than we do.
           The result is another thought experiment, the kind you know and love from this blog. But hey, if it gets you thinking or even looking at the ordinary from a different angle, that counts. Tomorrow over coffee, we are going to brainstorm for methods that work better. How to meet up without ads, clubs, or bozos that think money doesn’t matter. Be sure to return for what we come up with. But I can predict right away that the concept is to take dating clubs out of the picture and return the selection process to the individual.
           Operating a motorcycle for my music instead of riding the bicycle has doubled my expenses. Nearly 30% of everything goes into gasoline and amortized expenses. The entire October budget for a small side trip went into batteries, spare parts, and repairs. So that’s why we didn’t go anywhere this month. Ah, but there’s November, the best month of the year in Florida.
           At bingo, there was a gal who would not normally be my type that more than impressed me. She did not notice me, but I noticed her. She completely shut down passes from all the locals, and did so by letting them know she was not impressed by antics. Of course, I’m watching her every move by now.
           She held the hounds at bay and paid her own way. I could not hear anything from the stage, but none of the rejected men persisted, meaning she had a rare tact. These things are conspicuous where I’m coming from. I got her phone number and we’ll take it from there. She looks and acts old-fashioned, but after a certain age that takes on an entire charm of its own.

           I see y’day some readers got the impression I wasn’t hopeful about electronics. Not at all. If I had the skills, I’ve got the ideas. The ideas are the easy part for me and I’ve got a massive winner in mind that I cannot build. Thanks to idea piracy, I will not describe it, but I’ll tell you the parameters. This invention appeals to stupid people, and where do you find stupid people? On the Internet. How do you know they are stupid? Because they aren’t thinking of anything except how to get laid. Yes, that’s what that level 70 dork is really thinking. My idea sells them on their own conceit. But I don’t know how to build it.
           But one thing I learned in college was to network with the doers, not the talkers. You can tell easily because the talkers never have more of anything than they absolutely need for themselves. I perpetually remember the Turkish gal who wanted to start a business but didn’t have a printer for her computer. It’s not really their fault because this brand of person requires every surplus cent for socializing. The doer will necessarily have a far smaller circle and that’s a real savings right there.

           Here, for instance, is a prototype longboard being examined on my doorstep. The speakers are barely visible (where the wires run under the board) but they are loud. Flashing lights are provided by the round object. What’s the connection with robotics? The wiring. It gets in the way and is exposed. We need Bluetooth technology so the rider can keep his files clipped on his belt. And any robotics buff worth his salt can program a Bluetooth. No, not use it. Program it.