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Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 6, 2012

           Here’s the batbike out in public, always a crowd-pleaser. That spare tire sets it apart from all other sidecars. It gets in the way since that is prime cargo space but as shown here, I won’t dare move it. I’ve seen the newer custom models of the sidecar which include features like a headlight, a side rear-view mirror, cupholders, and spare gasoline tanks.
           I see T-Mobile and Metro PCS are joining up, a defensive move. That makes sense, they are bad companies with worse customer service and their rates and plans are a bewildering chaos. The company that succeeds will be the one that abandons bad advertising, has a clear structure, and remains competitive by low prices. Looking at my Samsung, I see a design than typifies the new “phone” attitude. The erase button, my most often used, is in a different position in each menu. And they have space to save 500 names. That’s plain dumb. I get along fine with 46 names, even traveling cross-country. And most of those are musicians.

           Silver. Had to say it again, I like those ratings. Why is it up $8 per ounce since August? Simple, I had no money to buy any back then. Seriously, every year around this time there is what they call a “distribution”. If it breaks the dollar barrier, good. If not, there is a pull-back. Either way, this years big movement is over and it is time to accumulate slowly again, with a reserve in case there is a big drop. Mind you, this is good advice at any time, not just as things stand.
           The scooter isn’t ready. I see the Chinese have adopted some of the worst practices. They sell only the whole fork assembly. Worse, there are two sizes: the original and the replacement part. The replacement part doesn’t fit, but they seem to ship it first, then take the return and ship the right piece. What is it with those people? They did that with the original Znen scooter, too.

           But, I need my scooter. It is too efficient for those hops inconvenient on the eBike. My actual pedaled mileage per day has dropped to 4 from over 7 miles. Still, that’s daily and I’ll compare that to most. The scooter is also handier, it parks closer to the front door than the Honda and one push of the electric starter gets you away with no warm-up like the sidecars needs below 70 degrees. To any budding statisticians in the audience, I did not say I only traveled 4 miles per day on the eBike. I still travel 7, so figure it out.
           On the 20th (Saturday) there is a goulash cook off. I’ve never been to a chili cook off but then again, I was raised in a shack with seven people who didn’t share my views on discretion. It’s twelve bucks to the public and to be judged by the “Goulash Committee”. Oooh. Watch out. Sounds like an excellent pre-bingo event but it is way down in Miami so let me make a plan.

           Whoever invented those thick plastic clotheshangers, you know the ones I mean, should be shot with a ball of their own excrement. Same with the stores that stock them. They fill up your closet too fast and can’t be used to jimmy a car door. Boycott ‘em, I say. And those men’s ankle-high socks that come in the same wrapper as the regular work size. Extermination is too good for those people.
           “Twist”, a water drink with an essence of flavor. Thought I’d try it, but I’ll skip seconds. It literally tastes like water with a single squirt of light flavor, though it has good ingredients. One of those is rebiana, an artificial sweetener. To those who say rebiana is a processed product, so is sugar. If you’ve ever made tea or lemonade way to weak, that is what Twist tastes like.

           I’m no health nut but last Wednesday was my 9th year without a cigarette. That day passed without clamor as I forgot smoking entirely. I should be dancing in the streets—but there’s another reason for that I can’t say until after the tenth year. But I did hide it in the decaf coffee can in the freezer so none of my roomies would find it. I counted it up today. Not bad. I’m okay with used Lexus’s. It reminds of the time I shared a house with this Canadian dude and I won $1,800 in the lottery one time I was out of town. He tried all weekend to “cash it for me” but could not find it. I’d hidden it in the dictionary.
           Saturday and bingo, how did it go? Terrible, you see the Karaoke switched to Friday, which I knew would not work. It shifted the Thursday crowd over, making the effect harder to spot. The primary change was fewer people and less tips on Saturday. Thus, there was no net improvement, it only spreads the same business over a different period.
           My Friday act outlasted anything that’s come along. By several years.

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