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Friday, November 9, 2012

November 10, 2012

           Meet, I can’t remember his name. This cat likes computers, think of all those Imgur-moments. This belongs to Anna. I spent the day doing callouts, something that is quite fun once you don’t have to do it for a living. I traded some hours of computer work for scooter maintenance. My self-imposed mechanic classes have improved my diagnostics. I knew that muffler bracket bolt was broken off inside the sleeve. And when they finally drew the same conclusion, they handled it the same way I would have now. Drill out new holes through the bracket into the scooter and bolt the pieces directly onto the frame.
           Another callout, this time that moronic “no addons” loop that Internet Explorer can trap itself in. (The "manage addon" screen does not work, the commands are fakes.) It always takes me a half hour longer to remember to delete the shortcut before running the fix. MicroSoft does not cure its old problems, it just keeps spewing out new versions of the same thing.
           A blasting seasonal windstorm kept me off the roads and now I’m past page one hundred of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, the very mention of which draws me hits from Google world-wide. Their algorithm is designed to generate ad revenue, not direct you to anything you might want. Google is naïve enough to think people actually go on line to look at advertising. They behave as if advertising is just another form of valuable information.
           In other words, I stayed in. For my non-inclination to go out Fridays, I believe I have gone out the majority of Saturdays since the age of eight, if I include movies, ball games, and hanging out. But by darkfall I could not come up with a single compelling reason to go anywhere in Hollywood. There are no cultural distractions in south Florida unless you consider buying expensive concert tickets a refinement. Where’s that Ann Coulter when I need her? That babe knows how to sell controversy so I just know she needs my brand of lovin’ back home.
           Here is the new scooter trunk. See how large it is compared to a regular box? That is intentional. Thanks to the sidecar I have no hesitation drilling and shaping metal parts and I was dissatisfied with the cargo capacity of the stock trunks. Reasoning that as long as the girth did not exceed the scooter side panels, why not mount the biggest unit that would fit? (Anything wider might not survive a spill.) See picture. Plastic was the only material available, but finally, a box that will hold a full load of laundry.
           Since there was nothing good on the radio, a youTube called “Damage” was in the background. What I can’t figure out is where these punks that duke it out in abandoned shipyards get a half-million to bet on every other fight. And who cooks up these scenarios with pitbulls chained around the ring ready to chomp off a limb. I can’t say I personally know anyone who would watch a boxing match to the death. But these derelicts who call themselves screen-writers must be getting their material from somewhere. At least the acting in this one was generally well done and avoids the worst clichés.
           Do I have an opinion on the election? No, but I have an opinion on the future. The national policy of not allowing the surplus of repo houses to flood the market has given millions of losers a false hope. And they want another four years of that. They don’t want to admit they are out of steam and their property is worthless. They say economics is the study of things that don’t work. And very few voters have a grasp on economics.
           All they understand is that despite the forecasts of financial doom, nothing much happened to them individually in the previous four years. They think they skidded by. They ignored the big picture and fantasize if whatever the last administration did can work just once more, that’s enough time for maybe some cosmic miracle to turn things around. So they turned a blind eye on the deficit and voted for a castle in the air. They each think they are the one who will be spared from consequences. God, what a pathetic lot.