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Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4, 2012

           JP and I had breakfast on bingo, down in south Miami. We had fifty other things to talk about, but the important one was his outstanding receivables. They are often incredibly outstanding, many times what I’ve ever seen in my life. We patronize that same place on Sunset, where there was yet another art show which generally equates to no parking. Floridians loves to seal off public streets for private events. Must be something in the drinking water.
           See the batbike creating a parking spot? That ability becomes terrifically important when others park like they do, as shown here. I blasted down to Miami because today was mostly business. Every mile per hour over 55 is a less enjoyable ride and I was on the freeway. Afterward, we stopped at good old Churchill’s for old time's sake. The batbike got the smiles and waves.
           If you like art, these shows have it by the ton. The atmosphere is more flea market than gallery. If you like unique art, that is a different proposition. The exception being a display of wall fixtures with running water (sorry, no pix). Then I saw the ukeleles. Music is the kind of art I appreciate. What caught my eye was their offer of bass lessons. Check out Music Depot in Florida City, which I believe is a suburb of Homestead.
           As for business, we are looking closely at real estate in Boca Raton instead of my first choice of West Palm. My job is to find and test the market. JP has had it with condo living and the endless “special assessments”, the most recent one being $30,000 per unit. You can’t tell me it costs $15 million to put a roof on two buildings, but apparently I’m the only one who questioned the figure.
           JP is much more political than I am. Then again, so is Bugs Bunny. So he talked while me and some guy named Bob worked the NYT crossword. To follow up on the estate sale, things did not go all that well. And those two vases that went missing were not the $6,000 as reported here. Or did I report it? Can’t remember. Anyway, it was more like $22,000. I’ve often said I never liked the type of people that open houses attract. I’m not a vase person but they must have been doozies.
           The good news is more Xmas visits with the family. Dad’s will provided for two more years of Xmas dinners, probably at Tam’s as she has the space. The not so good news is there has begun some in-squabbling over at the church and of course, JP even considering Boca Raton means the sense of Coral Gables as home is already weakening. If JP buys a place there, I am free to focus on Colorado. These are not partnerships, but each of us buying our own place with enough room for the other. Wallace taught me the word “ensuite” before he unceremoniously got himself laughed out of town.
           And that wraps it up. By late afternoon I was tuckered out, which tends to happen whenever I try to put in two consecutive days. I belong at home on Sundays, in an armchair, and reading a good book. I did stop at the Barnes & Noble at Sunset place, where they have four books on electronics in a bottom corner shelf upstairs at the back. That does it, I’m going book shopping tomorrow. Here’s JP’s pitcher of beer, notice the poor man’s chiller. No, I’ve never seen that before. When I do drink beer, it isn’t draught.
           Later. Holy UFO. I fell asleep in said armchair, and at 5:59 AM was awoken by a whistling noise, similar to the sound of a bomb falling. But much slower and the sound was coming from the sky. I walked out in the front yard and nothing was unusual except the streets were completely deserted. I looked upward where anything would be lit by reflection of the city lights, but saw nothing. I waited about 30 seconds as it faded. The Doppler effect said it was receding at about 15 mph. Let me clarify, I could see everything, and nothing was there. The sound just went away. Nope, there are no hillbillies or retired air force colonels to back up my story.