Nothing controversial happend, so I'll try to create some by making today's post a collection of random observations. This is a meme. Why is the term so unknown in the over-40 crowd? In particular, this photo features a character called “sudden clarity Clarence”. Here he is, providing a summary of everything important in the past two days. I wish there was more, but life without music isn’t the most thrilling existence around here. Well, maybe that is a harsh assessment. I’m in the middle of renovating a recording area, buying the new PA, and auditioning a bit. What I really mean is life without being on stage at least twice a week.
Since ATMs became networked in 1974 (nine years before my computer and 30 years before most others), there has always been a daily withdrawal limit. Here’s a good test whether you are in the same league as the players. What if you needed to withdraw over that limit? Find different banks near the same corner and have accounts at each. Then play serial ATMs.
If you didn't know that or don't have enough money to keep two accounts open, well, I suspect you've got the wrong blog again. You want Tales From The Trailer PARK, or any of a half-dozen other cling-on copycats.
Changes may ensue from this. Your second over-limit ATM transaction will soon fail. Not because it is illegal, but because some of the “eastern boys” don’t like it when anyone is smart enough to work around the system. And, after all this time, I am considering re-naming this blog. It was almost called “The Mercy of Strangers” but that was rejected as “over-fatalistic” and sounding “too much like another Holocaust recital”.
I was thinking of “The Sea Cook”.
I need a bigger place. Something with so much room for research. This afternoon I went looking for the source of a U-boat cargo. Huh? That’s correct. At the end of WWII a German sub surrendered, U-234. Aboard were “560 kilograms of uranium oxide”. This shocked the hell out of the Americans and it is generally presumed the contents of those “gold-lined cylinders” went directly to Los Alamos. But my question is where did Germany get so much of this material?
You need a factory to make this stuff. It turns out the Germans had one north of Berlin. Problem, that area was designated in the post-war Soviet occupation zone. Can’t have that. So the US bombed it to dust as the Soviets came over the horizon. And yes, the communists knew exactly what was going on. At any rate, I conclude that somehow (remember, this was March 1945) the Germans got a ton of the compound out in time.
This is a follow-on per my reading about the heavy water plant in Norway. I’m not really a researcher as I have no training for it, but I do pursue reading when something seems fishy. The cover story is they were shipping it to Japan, and there were supposedly rockets and jets on the same U-boat. But hold on. The world knew Japan was in worse shape than Germany by that time. Why would material for a long-term project be shipped to a destination where collapse was imminent? Smoke and mirrors?
On writing.
Why don’t I write for money? That’s a darn good question. My ONLY answer would be that there is no money except in your wildest dreams. This is the era of writing as a second job. Don’t bother with the phony “internship” ticket. There is a reason so many in the entertainment field can claim they were once homeless—unless your daddy is rich, that is how you live on what writing pays. Following is all the proof I need.
Including time spent testing, at least a couple hours is required to write each article. Therefore it is quality versus quantity. Stay with me here. If others make enough money to keep this site going AND they all get paid by the click, one can figure where the bacon is. To make a living at it, either they are writing 28 quality articles per day meaning non-stop 56 hours, or they are so immensely talented compared to me their names have become household words. The only other possiblity is they are firing off cheesy reviews by the thousands and are satisfied are with a few pennies per article. This undoubtedly motivates them to a very high standard of reliability.
On talking.
Question for Ann Coulter. You’re rich, pretty, and smart. You don’t seem like a mean person but why do you persist in making a monkey of that horrid-looking redhead lady who actually thinks she can out-talk you. The uneducated one with the cross-eyed Streisand look. The one who shouts on top of your answers and cuts to commercial when you prove a point. The fat one, Bohar or something. Anyway, go easy on her. Anyone that lunk-headed has problems enough of their own. I mean, you really, really make her look stupid and she honestly doesn’t need any help with that.
There is something I’d like to know myself. On your home page, near the bottom, there is a list of “REPORTERS WHO ARE ALLOWED TO INTERVIEW ANN AGAIN”. Is there a list of reporters who are not allowed? Why? Is the fat broad on that list? You see, I consider politics and newspapers akin to national cancer. Except for the daily crossword, which you may have as trivia, turned 100 this year.
Note to the reader. This blog uses the word “retard” in the same context as Ann Coulter, and always has. Not as a reference to anyone with Down’s Syndrome, but as an insult to ignorant ass-clowns who do and say stupid things when they know better. Most politicians are retards. Lying retards, at that. Like Ann, this blog never retracts or apologizes to retards. It’s all about controversy.
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